barracks for these guards were built. It was necessary to provide for fire protection. In connection therewith some facilities for small tools, etc., were built. The total cost of plant protection has been estimated by the Emergency Fleet corporation at $2,- 000,000, while $6,000,000 was put aside for small tools, fire prorection and dredging. The four fabricated steel shipyards and the five concrete yards are desig- nated as agency plants. The fabri- cated steel yards are Hog Island, operated by the American Interna- tional Shipbuilding Corp.; Submarine Boat Corp., Merchants Shipbuilding Corp., and the Carolina Shipbuilding Co. The Emergency Fleet corpora- tion owns the land upon which the Carolina yard is located. The con- tractor has the option to purchase the land and the plant after the ship- Plant Investments Made by the Emergency Fleet Corporation a INVESTMENTS IN SHIPYARDS INVESTMENTS IN HOUSING PROJECTS Hog Island, Philadelphia..... Ryaieybi vaca con Wolo sve ois aa yoni ove 6s $63,300,000 Agate Gian Palani Wo ee ee, $1,900,000 Submarine Boat Corp., Newark, N. og PS Hore Re WeEn pager 17,000,000 Merchants Shipbuilding Corp., Bristol, Pa...............-. 11,000,000 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry~ Dock Co., Newport News, rancho New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, NE Tec € 14,000,000 SVSEP RINT iG acu co 20a) orale ar coe caueia ove owas Sore arene pg Na Gin @ Nie a Tete este gre Carolina Shipbuilding Co., Wilmington, N. C...........-..- 2,000,000 Ne 2 0rk Shipp e 00. Salen Nee se es casera oceans Seattle Construction & Drydock Co., Seattle............... 6,000,000 Pusey & Jones, G.oucester, N. J..........--.. Ee Ra ORS enhonsd Newport News ‘Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Newport News, Va. 50,000 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. and Pusey & Jones, Wilmington, Del. 3,000,000 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. (Harlan).............+..--. 141,000 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Sparrows Point, Md.......... ee Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. (Sparrows Point)............. 3,100,000 Chester Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Pa.........cccccesecce 3,250,000 ipbuildi i Pexas Shipbuilding: €o.,. Bath, (Mes oi.ccc ecco oe se et eretece 50,000 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. (Union).................... 1,500,000 ” i Newburgh Shipyards, Inc., Newburgh, NEON oie wine eco 550,000 Merchants Shipbuilding Co., Bristol, tesco ees aeeeceens 5,380,000 : ihe Oar a Ph ges eo ste s fo sas one os 5,000,000 American Intemational Shipbuilding co. Philadelphia....... 10,031,000 a Note—Investment in the yard of the New York Shipbuild- Sun Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Da eee er ne prac onelaa oe 3,560,000 Bs J. M. Standifer Construction Co., Vancouver, Wash.......... 350,000 2 ing Corp. would have amounted to $16,825,000, but a part eee eaey zt of this extension was cancelled after the armistice, reducing Bayles Shipbuilding Co., Port Jefferson, N. Y..........+.- 300,000 the investment by $2,825,000. The concrete shipyards will American Shipbuilding Co., Lorain, 0. .......sseseeeeeee 1,260,000 be government owned and will cost $1,000,000 each to build. Merrill Stevens Co., Jacksonville, Fla... a aetna aieasdraln tetas 18 vis 650,000 They will be located at San Diego, Cal.: Oakland, Cal.; Wil- Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Essington, Pa........... 1,200,000 mington, N. C.; Mobile, Ala., and Jacksonville, Fla. Terry Shipbuilding Co., Savannah, Ga. eee eee eee eee ee 750,000 Traylor hcg mere Co., Cornwells rte (for tents), Pa.. sialon Pensacola Shipbuilding Co., Pensacola, Fla................ ; Small tools, fi es a BE RON POTMENTS Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Co., Suisun Bay, Cal............ 750,000 By NR rnc ito gt ogee $6,000,000 Detroit Shipbuilding Co., Wyandotte, Mich................. 385,000 ae ee OORIOR oid vis elaie 6 oes . tgp ea Ree eee ee hee ee eee 2,000,000 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, Wis.............. Relea otal investment i shipyards......... i Groton Iron Works, Groton, Conn...........0ccce eee eeees ,200,000 n pyards $132,141,000 Newburg Ship: Co., Newnurihe Ne Yess. ccccee ech sins ede ee 900,000 INVESTMENTS IN STEEL FABRICATING PLANTS Louisiana Shipbuilding Co., Slidell, La..................-. 50,000 Ralston Steel Car Co., Columbus, 0................0.0.. $354,000 Standard Steel Car Co., Pittsburgh...................... 900,000 Reserve 15 per cent ae Baltimore Car & Foundry Co., Baltimore................. 750,000 Expenses Peery SESE MEN Cutt ree eer eta ts 8 “1000,000 Jong Breniat & Co, Deol... le 233,000 cgiieetik oie gh ype: aaa dite Lr ame ate ei et abit Pressed: steel: Car: Oo. Pittsburgh. ss sass eo. ces eee 267,000 9.739.975 Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City, Mo................005 375,000 $9,789, i a es $2,879,000 is, OE IO ESAS SUE ere oe he yi cami : INVESTMENTS IN DRYDOCKS INVESTMENTS IN TRANSPORTATION LINES Bethlehem» Shipbuilding Corp..s... 6.0. ec cee $1,250,000 Alabama Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, Ala........ 560,000 Texas Shipbuilding Co., Bath, Me............cececccccces $170,500 ety ie britain, savanna, Gas. o. 6 ss acho s acbats Be Gis a 6 iva . 677,000 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Fore River, mune, ae paige i 164,000 Terry & Britain, Jacksonville, Fla.......2.....55-.404006 572,000 Staten Island Shipyards, Staten TBIANG sANa Were acid ce Sa ee 645,000 ‘Beaumont Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Beaumont, Tex..... 350,000 Houndation: «Co; ," Weary, “Niideacesacckas bas otiscadbe es es 39,586 Galveston Dry Dock & Construction Co., Galveston, Tex..... 675,000 Submarine Boat Co., INOWAREG SNe S Jae eas Grice seater «stents 821,739 Jahncke Shipbuilding Co., Madisonville, La................ 700,000 New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J...........ceeeee 1,240,680 Services, Wm. T. Donnelly, Moe Vork ie ee 275,000 Pusey & Jones Co., Gloucester, N. J......cceccceeccccccs 215,947 George~-Leary Construction: :Cor 33 2065. see ek 1,365,000 American International Corp., Hog Eslanc< Par ots soe eas 3,105,000 Beas es Chester and Essington plants, Pa...........cccccecceeccs 1,225,360 (APN EES Ache dc a Bi GR era a Ne ih eae Or $6,324,000 Peace supvards Sparrows Point, Md.............ce00s 989,638 ewport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. 300,000 INVESTMENTS IN MARINE RAILWAYS none se babar Pavannan Oe. ee ee peepee: 4,416 Cumberland Shipbuilding C6., Portland, Me............... 100,000 acoma Shipyards, Tacoma, Wash..............ccsceeees 232,400 Crowninshield Shipbuilding Co., South Somerset, Mass........ arene ‘Portland Railway & Light Co., Portland, Oreg............. 171,000 Newcomb Lifeboat Co., Hampton, Va................0., 100,000 Moore Shipbuilding Co., Oakland, Cal.e...........secse ee 9,675 Ot ee 100,000 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co., Oakland, Cal... 0.22.22 .02. 465,600 Teny: &-Britain, Savatinah, Gas... .565 cc ee esses e eee 100,000 Mobile Light & Railway Co., Mobile, Ala............es00: 60,000 Tampa Dock Co., Tala Pia re 100,000 Duluth Street Railway, Duluth.......................... 100,000 Henderson Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, Ala. ....2.20000001 100,000 pone Star Shipbuilding Co., ferry equipment, Beaumont, ‘Tex. 3,250 Barnes & ‘Tibbetts, Alameda, Cie ee eR 110'000 Tidewater Power Co., Wilmington, Dee wisie aire Ca cae e UM oes 350,000 Ramee Curries. Gi, ee ee eee 68,500 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. Co............000: ,000 , Municipal Railway System, Seattle................00.c00c6 877,000 ee a $878,500 Arthur W. Horton, Portsmouth, N. H.......scsccscsscees 4,00 Total investments in ae: plant facili- POUL Nic ia on Gale a Rawaeh a Wee ss G05 ss Seah ou EN $10,700,791 ROM ea ee $142,222,500 Total of all investments................ _.$210,929,766 THE MARINE REVIEW building program is completed. In the case of the Submarine Boat plant, the government is the lessee of the land and is renting the plant at a fixed sum to the agent. Ther gov- ernment has an option to purchase the real estate from the contracting company in the case of the Merchants plant and Hog Island. In case the government does not exercise its option to purchase, the contractor may purchase the improvements at an appraised valuation. Investments in drydocks and ma- riné railways may properly be classed as investments in shipping inasmuch as they are peculiarly aligned with the operation of ships in trade. Such investments on the part of the gov- ernment are increasing daily and the sum total promises to be much larger next summer than at present. Approximately $80,000,000 has been tributed in smaller investments madie— invested in projects which are incidental! to shipbuilding, and, w made for the purpose of facilitating the building of merchant ships, can- not properly be classed as invest- ments in shipyards. ‘These are the investments made in transportation lines and thhousing projects. The r maining total of a little less than $135,000,000 represents the total of investments ttoday actually made in shipyards by the government. VER two-thirds of the strictly shipyard investments were made in the four steel fabricating yards, and Jess than one-third has been dis- for the purpose of expanding pri- vate yards. The largest single in- vestment in any private yard was that made at the plant of the New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, N. J.