February, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW After two years WAR SERVICE, this modern factory—‘‘ The Home of BEAVER TOOLS’ —is again at your service. “BEAVER—or equal” from U. S. Government Specification for pipe threading equipment .... The UNITED STATES called for thousands of pipe cutters and threaders— “BEAVER or equal’’—almost the very day war was declared. The BORDEN COMPANY immediately answered the call and placed its entire resources, man-power and equipment at the complete: disposal of our government— one hundred percent. As a result, every BEAVER TOOL made during the past months has contributed directly towards winning the war. For the American Army in France; for mammoth cantonments, both at home and abroad; for the building of shipyards, and ships; at avia- tion fields; for these, and numerous other essential uses, thousands of BEAVER EASY WORKING TOOLS have been supplied. Now, the war is over and we are again at YOUR service—ready to supply you with BEAVER EASY WORKING PIPE TOOLS, the ones recognized by the UNITED STATES as leaders of the field. Complete Catalog No. 102—upon request! Send for it NOW—for your files. THE BORDEN COMPANY, Warren, Ohio, U.S. A. In Canada—The Borden-Canadian Co., 110 Church Street, Toronto. Please mention THe MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers ig nacre Cat Pe a Sia ss Ee Se ee DMR ei EN tt ee mE et SR ees