Here Rich Narkets Await Our Ships Ships in the fine harbor at Bahia, Brazil Crowded part of harbor at Buenos Aires, Argentina, largest port in South America, and (at the right) one of the big piers at Guayaquil, Ecua- dor, on northwest coast, reached by Atlantic vessels via Panama canal Leading ports of South Amer- ican countries now appealing for our prod- ucts. These ports are to see a great many more. sh ips from the Unit- ed States than they did in the past Rio de Janei- ro, Brazil, has a beauti- ful harbor. Ships dock in the neck of the bay, just back of the city 91 aS © Underwood & Underwo: d Harbor at Montevideo, Uruguay, an important port on the east coast American goods being taken from lighters at Mollendo harbor, Peru. Ships anchor out some distance in the bay and are loaded and unloaded by lighters. Exporters are seeking to build up a big trade at these ports