176 THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1919 MARK Cold Drawn Steel Union There probably is no service more trying on pipe-unions than Marine Service. The constant vibration, the extreme temperatures, the sea water, the salt air—these are just some of the problems which they have to tackle. | ! me | But the MARK UNION has made good in every instance. WHY? Because it is made of the same material as the piping—it expands and contracts in the same ratio. It resists successfully the corrosive action of sea water and salt air—because all parts, including the threads, are proctected by a rust-proof coating. It is designed to carry high pressure as well as low pressure, and all sizes are equally strong. Avoid troubles—troubles that may also lead to danger. Install Mark Unions. MARK MANUFACTURING CO. |= 1901 Dempster St. @AKED OMPACT STURDY STRONG. SIMPLE | RELIABLE | These are a few of \ $ the good points that have “~ ener made Da ke Steam Steering Type “CS” with Double Hand Wheel Gears the most popular in their field. There is nothing complicated about a “Dake Gear”. Their simplicity of design has eliminated all delicate springs and complicated mechanisms so common to this type of machine. The improved DAKE reversible engine used on the gears has made this simple con- struction possible and insures enequalled dependability. Write for complete catalog of Marine Auxiliary Ma- chinery—Steering Gears, Windlasses, Capstans, etc. DAKE ENGINE COMPANY Grand Haven, Michigan, U.S.A. ° Chicago Agent: J. E. Chisholm, Ry. Exc. Bldg. New York Agt.: H. L. Drullard, 30 Church St. EVANSTON, ILL. GS ‘*QUICKWORK’ REGISTERED U.S PATENT OFFICE ROTARY SHEARS MADE IN 6 SIZES Cut all gauges of sheet and plate metal up to | inch thick in straight or irregular shapes and openings without cutting in from side of sheet. Leaves square true edge that requires no finishing. Used in building ships, boilers, tanks, cars and general plate and sheet metal work. Patented June 3rd, 1913 Save 50% to 90% Eliminates oxyacetylene cutting and plate planing. Write for Catalogue. THE QUICKWORK CoO. ST. MARY. OHIO, U. S.:A. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers |