190 THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1919 Propeller Propeller Blades| Wheels SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. AN OLD TOOL ON A NEW JOB FOR Ship Builders and Construction Men Here is a tool that is necessary in YOUR work. It is not a new tool but with our patented im- provement becomes a new tool in YOUR business. The principle is that of a turnbuckle, but it is more varied in its uses, is stronger, more reliable, more economic, A TIME and LABOR SAVER. SHIP FORMS and CONSTRUCTION FRAMES Are Firmly Held By GRACEY’S IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTING RATCHET PULLING JACK Capacity Lengths 7 to 15 Tons ‘ 18 to 48 Inches MANGANESE BRONZE PROPELLERS have been made by us for many of the leading shipyards. Write for Descriptive Circular No. 13R and Price List IN USE BY : U. S. SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORP. SEND FOR PAMPHLET ‘C’ AND U. S. RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION LEARN WHY.’’ Manufactured only by WE MAKE BRONZE PROPELLERS FROM 10" R. GRACEY & SONS COMPANY AMERICAN MANGANESE BRONZE CO. 113-115 FIRST AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA., U.S. A. HOLMESBURG—PHILADELPHIA—PENNA. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers