196 THE MARINE REVIEW If you want a good clock, buy the WORLD RENOWNED “Chelsea” 8-DAY—HIGH GRADE SHIP ’S BELL (Striking) and MARINE (Non-Striking) CLOCKS Every vessel should be equipped with these fine clocks. Last a life time. Keep good time. Best in the World for Such Use Also for Yachts, and in Attractive Wood or Metal Cases, for Clubs; Residences, Offices, etc., and General Presentation Purposes. Chelsea Clock Co., soston Mace U'S.A. MAKERS EXCLUSIVELY OF HIGH GRADE CLOCKS Ashton Dependable High Grade Pop Valves, Steam Gages ; Whistles Specially Adapted for High Pressure Marine Service ‘f Unequalled for Efficiency, Durability and Low Cost of Maintenance ¥ The Ashton Valve Co. 161 First St. & Cambridge, Mass. Branches New. York Chicago = San Francisco 250 HURON ST. BROOKLYN, N.Y. February, 1919 Walker s Patent Ship-Logs Are Known Throughout the World for Their Accuracy and Durability Walker’s Patent “‘Cherub’’ II Ship-Log UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL “IT have much pleasure in stating that your Cherub Log has been in constant. service for a period of over four years, and has given no trouble what- ever. It has during that period registered some 190,000 miles and I have no doubt this is the finest Log in the market at the present time.”’ Thomas Walker & Son, Ltd. Makers to the British and Many Other Navies 58 Oxford St. RIVETS ‘‘PERFECTION’’ Boiler, Ship and Structural Birmingham, Eng. Made from Carnegie Steel Highest Grade Rivets Made Diam. 14" to 1144". All Lengths Write for Prices and Monthly Stock Lists The Anthony Carlin Co., Cleveland Almy Water Tube || Boiler Co. ! Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of ———— ——F 1) : SA A a | ET 2 3 : vessels Providence, R. I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE FREE Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers de Coan oe oe 53 ee, ee pers? a . 8 a al LE PTO ES DN te Pe Ee eee 4 = -