February, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW. 199 “Having a PULL means having a Tcud in power who will act as a steam windlass for you.” The “Providence” STEAM WINDLASS (Compound Spur Gears) has another kind of pull, and plenty of it. It has 15 per cent more pull than the worm-geared types and at 50 per cent faster speed. You have been look- ing for just this combination. \ Our price will please you, too. Write us today. AMERICAN ENGINEERING COMPANY Successors to American Ship Windlass Co. and Williamson Bros. Co. MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS PHILADELPHIA 15-312 ST. LAWRENCE MARINE RAILWAY COMPANY | OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Carriage accommodates every ship of Welland Canal size, Fully equipped for repairs to Wood and Steel boats. BOILER AND MACHINE SHOP HIGH CLASS WORK - - VVIRE Rope ‘of every kind and 6 for every purpose—Acces- ' sories, too. Let us send catalog and quotations. Y GEO. C. MOON CO., Gar wood, N. J. r veland, Rockefeller Bldg. New York, 124 White St. Cle an . 52 San Francisco & Portland, O & Co 3 i. RITCHIE 4 Compasses, Binnacles, and NAUTICAL Instruments SOLD IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Magnets for Adjusting Purposes. E. S. RITCHIE ©& SONS "NAVY STANDARD 2 BINNACLE BROOKLINE MASS. We are prepared to furnish Diamond Pattern Lumber in any quantity, for decks, stair treads and other surfaces that: are under hard service. Crescent Diamond Lumber has been used for many years for the above purposes and is easily cleaned and prevents slipping. We manufacture all supplies used in the Pattern Shop. The Wellman Products Company CLEVELAND, OHIO Br gee ge, Ot OME een oe ON RED ee ah