‘February, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW 205 | Uniform Consistency _ Not Affected by Changes in Temperature Lowest Launching Cost BORNE, SCRYMSER COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA 80 South Street 36 Central Wharf 437 Chestnut Street } \ a £ + . * SSS ae fos a So emits: See, os : S : A _— x ea riiiis i Pa Mt / i - 5) see é = SD okies 1 ae ge et en Fs. v3 ss SHIPBUILDERS’ GANTRY CRANES Rugged, fast operating hoisting rigs, electrically operated for steel and wood ship construction Also a complete line of Travelling Cranes, Jib Cranes, Steel Tower Derricks and Monorail Trolleys LAKESIDE BRIDGE AND STEEL CO. 121 VILLARD ST. NORTH MILWAUKEE, WIS. Please mention THE Marine REvIEW when writing to Advertisers