ARTES, NNN i = = For tera via Great Lakes in CARGO LOTS or for Fueling Vessels. Write or ‘phone us for prices on best grades of Domestic, Coking, Gas and Steam coals for prompt delivery. M.A.HANNA&Co. Sales Agents, Cleveland eee | " MAA 2! _—__“0“£#£#_«08_€., «ntti The Lorain Coal & Dock Co. General Offices: COLUMBUS, OHIO BRANCH OFFICE: CLEVELAND, OHIO, 708-10 Rockefeller Bldg. ail Producers and Shippers of HOCKING, OHIO, PITTSBURGH AND WEST VIRGINIA COALS Docks and Fuel Lighter LORAIN, OHIO THE BARTON pd es ial For General Use on Steamboats Barton trap gives uninterrupted satisfaction. Listing of ship does not affect operation. Cannot freeze or become air bound. Keeps pipe lines free from condensation thereby insuring cargo. Makes heaters heat. : i Does away with cylinder cocks on deck engines. Works at any temperature. Barton traps are used on 400 boats on the lakes. Used on steering, deck 2,500 giving satisfaction on lakes boats. Is the only trap that really engines, forward auxiliary lines, forward main exhaust lines, after radiator answers the question of economy. Write for descriptive booklet. lines, hot water tanks. Any place where a steam trap can be used the JOHN W. BARTON, 2707 Vestry Avenue, Cleveland, O. Established 1866 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE We are sole builders of Patent Beaded Bottom Metallic LifeBoats, Life RafisandWooden Boatsofallkinds. Outfits for Lake Steamers a specialty