February, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW Has Come to Stay UT from the stress of war-time production emerges a Greater Diamond— A Diamond super-efficient—with tremendously increased capacity—its quality standards yet higher than ever before. Just as the aeroplane industry, under the whip and spur of stern necessity advanced twenty years in two, so has Diamond leaped ahead along the path of progress. Production precedents in every industry have been shattered—new standards have been established. -The brilliant achievements of Diamond Experts are permanently incorporated with Diamond products. We have installed new equipment which en- ables us to produce Diamond Oxy-Acetylene Tubing in a new and better way. We are now prepared to furnish it in larger quantities and in any length desired. . Diamond Air Hose has been used in astonish- 3 ing quantities in the Shipbuilding industry. It ; enabled the Seattle yards to drive more rivets “per way” than any other shipyard. Six hundred and thirty-six thousand feet of Diamond Air Hose used in Seattle alone. i 3 7 sh 4 . Don’t be satisfied with pre-war standards— investigate Diamond. Che Diamond Rubber Company ( Incorporated ) Factories: Akron, Ohio Rubles Marine Goods Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers