Ke poe (2/_ Finishing , Surpasses Brushing B - & es a oe Me Portable Painting —while making certain the highest E quip en t standard of painting on every kind oF | shipyard job, it is speeding Sold ona strictly guaranteed-to-make-good basis ; ; work and reducing the costs. | "EW ships of steel or wood, or ships dry-docked g, are _ painted with the Aeron spray-painting eq ith ‘pr lly t same advantage. On exterior or interi ‘ing is applied with d rivet heads and along seams, are easi perfectly spray-coated without TUS ieee as eas ; ashe Har aMia eerste It is not necessary to change or thin the paints now sed. And those difficulties | common with brushing non-corrosive and anti-fouling paints are eliminated, the Aeron | applying an even coating with more body. Rae Doing this high grade work in no way holds up the speed of painting with the Aeron, which averages 5 times faster than hand-brushing. This saving — in time and labor alone will effect a big reduction in your painting costs. Then, there are other worth-while savings to be had. si Write and permit us to mail you immediately complete operation and equipment facts— The DeVilbiss Mfg. Co. rotepo” on10