THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1919 | The splendid record made by District 9 (The Great Lakes) in building steamships | for war service last year, was made pos- ’ sible by complete co-operation by theship- : , yards and the equipment manufacturers. ene eae Practically every steamer sent from the Great Lakes into war service last year, both new and requisition steamers, car- ried some Kerr equipment. Some steam- ers had but one or two items from us— many carried everything that we sell. Propellers Vertical and Horizontal Cargo Winches Simplex and Duplex Surface Condensers Marine Pumps Valves Manifolds Fittings Feed Water Heaters Kerr Deck Pumps Scotch Boilers R & D Evaporators “Standard” Refrigeration Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers