February, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW CN debe errng ‘wanes eee. A Monthly Publication Devoted to Shipbuilding, Marine Engineering and the Business of Transportation by Water. Published by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. IN THIS ISSUE PaGE A Constructive Policy is Needed........ High Wages Raise Shipping Costs...... 78 World; Chatter Market... 64:5 64s wo nas England Suffers Most from War Losses 81 What Congress Plans for U. S. Ships.. ) Owners Outline Proposed Ship Policy.. Men Who Ruled World's Tonnage..... 82 The Freedom of the Seas from Britain’s Operating and Managing Agreements... 84 WIG WOME 3 ici tis ei thie eo ee peer Aas An Echo of War Still Ringing—More Modern Noah Builds Concrete Ark..... OID ees iin au rey oe bos eR rae . 89 Belgium’s Future Depends on Ships.... Ports That Beckon to American Trade.. 90 Swedish. Vards 2epand: ...oecg0ss hues Here Rich Markets Await Ships From Are War-Built Ships Fit for Peace?... AMOTICA oc.g Desa ca ees wae ee ee ee Ol U. S. Yard Investment is $200,000,000. . France’s Ports Modernized Through War 92 When Germany Yielded the Sword at Traffic’ on Great Lakes in 1918... .).3.... 393 Sa cae a ss : How Navy Fought in France.......... 96 Recalling Last Days of Freedom’s Fight U. S. Ships Delivered by American How Britain Bridged Channel to France Mars Removing His Traps and Masks.. BRANCH OFFICES CHICAGO - 1147 Peoples Gas Bldg. PITTSBURGH 2148-49 Oliver Bldg. CINCINNATI - - 128 Opera Place PHILADELPHIA 1316 Land Title Bldg. NEW YORK ~ . 220 Broadway WASHINGTON : 40 Metzerott Bldg. BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - Prince’s Chambers Subscription $2.00 per year postpaid, all over the world. Single copies 20 cents. Back numbers over three months, 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. will supply the trade with Tux Marine. Revizw through the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agents, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Entered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter. (Copyright 1919 by the Penton Publishing Co.)