84 THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1919 K | A Stee oacsstae’ Sag fe pe, LEE: EET STEEL and ON for SHIPS IGH-PRESSURE. production of ships must continue in order to keep abreast of the after-war demand for greatly increased tonnage. Let Liberty Service on steel and - g iron aid you in getting maximum speed with your contracts. | | Bolts and Nuts, Rivets, Bar Iron, Boat Spikes, Clinch Rings, Turnbuckles, Anchor Chain, etc. Our strong sources of supply enable us to make the best possible deliveries on quantity orders. Liberty Service is national in scope. It will pay you to use it. To save time—uire or write the office nearest you. LIBERTY STEEL PRODUCTS COMPANY, Inc. Woolworth Building, New York SAN FRANCISCO, Newhall Bldg. LOS ANGELES, Title Insurance Bldg. SEATTLE, L. C.+Smith Bldg. CHICAGO, McCormick Bldg. CLEVELAND, Leader-News Bldg. PHILADELPHIA, Widener Bldg. PITTSBURGH, First National Bank Bldg, BOSTON, 201:\Devonshire St. “HAYA o ate" wre 1: EER a me eraONT ne * * ue LIBERTY STEEL PRODUCTS CO-INC Please mention THE MARINE ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers