132 UICKW OR REGISTERED U.S PATENT OFFICE -ROTARY SHEARS MADE IN 6 SIZES Cut all gauges of sheet and plate metal up to | inch thick in straight or lar shapes and openings without cutting in from side of sheet. Leaves true edge that requires no finishing. Used in building ships, boilers, Sankey cake Be dina ate and sheet metal work. Patented June 3rd, 1913 Save 50% to 90% Eliminates oxyacetylene cutting and plate planing. Write for Catalogue. THE QUICKWORK COMPANY ST. MARYS OHIO, U.S.A. J. S. THORN COMPANY 20th and Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. solicit orders for large quantities of essential war work, consisting of cooking utensils, boxes, tanks, pipes, troughs, chutes, vegetable lockers, doors, ammunition boxes, special formings and stampings and sheet metal work of every description from No. 30 gauge to 1/4" thick. Prompt deliveries. Large output. THE MARINE REVIEW Prevent Delay in Your Shipyards— make your own treenails with Ober Treenail Machines Don’t depend upon outside sources for your nails. One Ober Treenail Machine will produce from 500 to 700 treenails per hour. Just the machine you need for your plant. Send for complete catalog THE OBER MFG. CO. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Number Eleven Adjustable Bevel Band Saw For Ship and Boat Yards The Original and Standard Machine for wooden boat building for sixteen years. Angles to 45 degrees each side of centre. Power and hand movement to sliding wheel frame. iantesty driven feed rolls in table to the front and back of saw instantly raised or owere Automatic tighteners to belts. L. POWER & COMPANY 3 South 23rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All the Machines for Building Wooden Boats MARINE PUMPS VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL THE SMART-TURNER MACHINE CO., Ltd. HAMILTON, CANADA Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers March, 1919