March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW 137 BOLTS SHIP RIVETS NUTS Machine Lag Screws - Carriage vee ssi Dock Spikes Deck slate deicile | odes Tie Rods BAYONNE BOLT & NUT CO. Works and General Office: BAYONNE, N. J. On New York Harbor CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOLS Geo. Oldham & Son Co. Little Giant Air Manufacturers of asi ws | | PNEUMATIC TOOLS | onomical upk d ai is NN pelea Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. ss ae Gerais . of Little | aon , Giant Ball Bearing Drills. ! Chipping ) 4 e wai ; : | Send for Bulletin 127. Calking Hammers Boyer Pneumatic Hammers have been standard in shipbuilding plants for twenty- . : five years. They are made in three parts, cylinder, ' 3 Riveters and Holder-Ons handle and valve—a construction which facilitates - ; j examination, cleaning and repairs and extends the / Jam Riveters life of the tool indefinitely. Send for Bulletin 124. All sizes we capacities for the shipyard Complete line of pneumatic tools of merit We also manufacture Chicago Pneumatic Compressors, Little Giant Electric Reamers, Drills and Grinders and Giant Fuel Oil Engines. F OR SHIPBUI LDIN G CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY ipl Shey Ply il Branches Everywhere 52 Nb od Seale TOOLS SENT ON APPROVAL SHIP BOILER STRUCTURAL S. Severance Mig. Co. Glassport, Pa. (Suburb of Pittsburgh) Please mention THE MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers