142 THE MARINE REVIEW NAVAL ARCHITECTS > ENGINEERS - March, 1919 To Vessel Owners and Operators: You’ll find here the announcements of several Naval Architects and Engineers who are reliable, waiting to be of service to you. WILLIAM T. DONNELLY Designer of Floating Dry Docks, Steel and Wood. PLANS ON HAND FOR DOCKS FROM 2,000 TO 20,000 TONS Electricity applied to Marine Transportation Harbor Improvements Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect 17 Battery Place NEW YORK Thirty Years’ Actual Experience in Designing Steel and Wooden | Commercial Vessels is Your Guarantee _ Write for Our Commercial Booklet Gielow & Orr NAVAL ARCHITECTS MARINE ENGINEERS SHIP BROKERS . 52 Broadway | NEW YORK CITY Broad 4673 Robert H. Kidd, Manager Telephone No.1 Joseph Kidd & Son MARINE ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS Ship and Engine Damage and Gener Surveys Carefully Attended To 406 Palladio Building DULUTH, MINN. JOHN REID & COMPANY NAVAL ARCHITECTS 17 BATTERY PLACE NEW YORK Offices: London Glasgow Montreal HARRY G. SMITH SMITH BROS. Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors BUFFALO, N. Y. EUGENE L. SMITH 535 Marine Bank Bldg. The Watson Engineering Co. This organization offers able and experienced service on the design and construction of floating equipment in wood, steel, and concrete, docks, yards, ware- houses, and all other. marine structures. Hippodrome Building—Cleveland Presenting your professional card to several thousand vessel owners in a vessel owners’ paper is strictly ethical the same as presenting one card to one vessel owner in his own office. 505 Sizes “<Q We Mane Screw Heao Naics Ais Rivets For Every Purpose. Oey re) nal EYELETS, HOOKS, GROMMETS ano WASHERS ror SHOES, aire 70 FRANKLIN AVENUE 70 = SHELTER TENTS, CORSETS, LEGGINS, MAIL BAGS. BROOKLYN, NEW-YORK Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Adveriicars