Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), March 1919, Advertising, p. 160

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Air Reductign Co., Inc..... Alabama COs Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... American American American American American American American American American American American American American American American American Cops American Anderson, Ashton Valve Company.......... Atlas Steel Casting Co...... Be Babcock & Wilcox Co. The... 6. Badenhausen Co. Ballin Water Tube Boiler Co...... Baltimore COn os) Bay State Iron Works........... Bayonne Bolt & Nut Co........ Benjamin Bernstein Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd. Betsy Ross Flag Co., Inc........ Boland & Cornelius ...........-. Borne & Boston & Lockport. Block Co...... Brauer, Justus & Son..........05 Brunswick Refrigerating Co........ Bryant Electric Co.............. A Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Balsa Co., Inc........ Bitumastic Enamels Co.. Blower Co. .....eee0+- Bureau of Shipping..... Chain’: Cos;0 ANC Ss 5r5.6> oe Clay Machinery Co. pees Engineering Co........ Flexible Bolt Co...... Injector Co......, aepte AGW crag gare ease iow vse aves Manganese Bronze Co.... ‘Manufacturing Co..... Pipe Bending Machine Co. Screw Propeller Co... Ship Building Co.....72, Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. Steel Foundries......... Vi -D.,° Co., ‘Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Electric Mfg. Co...... Mig.s Cosi. eas Ve Spades Sorymser (CO... 6 3's 6 oO F Buffalo Dry Dock Company....72, 738 C Camden Forge Co.............+, 49 Canadian Allis-Chalmers, Ltd...... 39 Canadian General Electric Co.,Ltd. 39 MO AIEY, ACOs eo TUG isa s0cy oie diel eres silos « , 86 Carlin Co., Anthony, The......... 159 Carnegie Steel Co..............- 54 Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co....... 48 Cassco .Bar-Metallic Packing Co... 153 - Central Foundry Co.............. 139 Chase Machine Co............... 157 Chesapeake Iron Works.......... 134 Chicago Pneumatic: Tool Co....... 187 Chicago Ship Bldg. Co..... Ppp V-peaee (3) Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co...... 54 Woes; Wrench) COs. vce eck aoe ae OA Collingwood Shipbuilding Co..... . 68 Commercial Boiler Works........ 151 Continental Iron Works, The..... . 88 Cory, Chas., & Son, Inc........ Pam Vg Crandall Engineering Co.......... 70 eRe OOF ete c isle e Sere ee acess Pe hace Crescent Machine Co............ 133 Crouse-Hinds << C0; F° chaes action. 14 Curtis’ & Curtis !Ce: ieee, 28 D Davidson & Hudson............. , 140 DeLaval Steam Turbine Co....... + 128 Detroit Shipbuilding Co....... 25. 23 De Vilbiss Mfg. Co..... Licliviaaeie DO Diamond Rubber Co., Inc...,.... 21 Donnelly, William T........... . 142 Dravo Contracting Co..... Pietvieieu 0 UL OS Drein, Thos., & Son Co........ 145 E Eckliff Circulator Co.......... «. 130 Edes Manufacturing Co., The..... 139 Electric Hose & Rubber Co...... 131 Electrose Mfg. Co......-.ceeees 2 Engberg’s_ Electric & Mectinstiend WORKS or cckts is ialere sc aiesewse eis te xis OU F Fairbanks, Morse & Co...... iia: SAE Farley, Edward P., Co..... See relat! LOO Fletcher, W. & A., Co........ -. 128 Ford & Geirrine.............205 145 Foundation Co.-Port’ Huron Ship VAT hI G cia ass Phe ios kis tas cations: ool >. * 65 G Galbraith, C. C., & Son.......... 138 Gas Engine & Power Co. & Charles L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated. 135 General Asbestos & Rubber €o.... 23 General Electric Co..........08% 35 Geyser Boiler Appliance Co...... 31 Cielo: 265 OMe reo hee eieuscetleisel¢ 142 Gilchrist, Albert J..... aise leceveiyacs 140 Goodall Rubber Co., Inc.......... 131 Goodrich, B. F., Rubber Co....... 24 Goulder, White & Garry.........- 140 Gracey, R., & Sons Co.......... 139 Great Lakes Engineering Works... 74 Griscom-Russell Co., The......... 42 H Hanna, M. A., & Cow. .....3.0.. 162 Hannevig Christoffer, Inc...... eee by ¢ Hardie-Tynes Mfg. Co............ 127 Harsch, John, Bronze & Fdy. Co., IRB ei vicGeceraie arate hea hive wate wie eres 56 Heinie Safety Boiler OP Ge 40 Heppenstall Forge Co..........0% 53 Heppenstall Forge & Knife Co.... 53 Hobbs, Clinton E., Co......... . 184 Holding, Masten, Duncan & Leckie 140 Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co.... 43 Hoyt, Dustin, Kelly, McKeehan & Andrews. ..... Gale Ga cele vainiee Vo L4O Howden & Co., James, Ltd......: 28 Hutchinson & Co............... 138 ; ; Independent Pneumatic Tool Co.... 2 Industrial Works ..........e00. 60 Ingersoll-Rand Co. .........0e00% 44 International Mercantile Marine Co. 161 Irving Iron Works Co......... 82, 145 Teherwood; Je Weiss vue bens vvce as 59 J Johnston Brothers 135 K Keller Pneumatic Tool Co........ 19 Kerr Machinery Corp...... Meee Kidd, Joseph, & Son........... 142 Kilbourne & Clark Mfg. Co....... 4 Klaxson Company ..........00. 161 UUtt0GCGCCEt_, = (“Aa_c_ccacK accion Kremerys Co Wes, in os Wahawene sees 140 Kroeschell Bros. Ice Mach. Co... 143 Kubis; 3 Bred) (By 2 Bie ocnesascees 151 i Lake Erie Boiler Works.......... 159 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co...... 62 Lane, C. M., Life Boat Co........ 145 Leschen, A., & Sons, Rope Co.... 153 Liberty Ship Building & Transport- Belo OOo aces: ais lecsharera score ween OU Liberty Steel Products Co., Inc... 51 Lidgerwood Mfg. Co.....-.se0. oe 45 Livingston, J., & Co., Inec....... 147 Locomotive Sueperheater Co....... 129 Lorain Coal & Dock Co.......... 162 Lunkenheimer Co. ...... sresaigratdl ec 15 M McDougall-Duluth Co. ........... 63 McLouth, Sydney C.............. 135 McNab Company, The..... sisie aise Lao Malleable Iron Fittings Co...... 139 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co....... 66 Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of ATH OPICH: 3h eek sisibcsa see ote pinin eles : 8 Marine City Reporting Co........ 138 Marine Decking & Supply Co..... 29 Mark Mfg. Co........ Solale opie oe 36 Martell Packings Co....... Sates ata 147 Mechanical Rubber Co......... Rata bp Metal & Thermit Corp........... 155 Milburn, Alexander, Co.......... 52 Milton Mfg. Co., The............ 52 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co....... 72, 3 Milwaukee Electric Crane & Mfg. Co. 134 Moon;* Geoy°C.5 Coss ck eee 147 Morris Machine: Works........... 27 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc.... 159 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co.... 159 Murphy Varnish Company......... 26 N National Life Preserver Co........ 151 National Roofing Co. . Free cate Git) National Transit Pump & Mach, Co. 161 Natroco Paint & Varnish Works... 159 New York Blue Print Paper €o.... 157 New York Engineering Co......... 38 “Norwalk Iron Works Co....... seas 0 Ober’ Mfg. Cos; The. oe: 132 Ohio Ship Building Co........... 71 Oldham, George, & Son, Co...... 187 Oldman Boiler Works, The........ 157 Oliver Iron & Steel Co.......... 136 Osbom & Co...... acWacaieenrs - 188 p Penberthy Injector Co......... e. 143 Pickands, Mather & Co.......... 162 Pioneer Boiler Works......... ype ayy, Pneumercator<:.Co;;Ines eee eee 157 Power, (Li. Ge C0ssawadeds esse +s 182 Power Specialty Co.........-+.... 129 Q Quickworks: Cone es cbse saceegce taken f R Refrigeration Engineering Co...... 148 Reid;*: Holme: Gee COvicceicees occa se 40, 142 Richardson, W. C., & Co....... . 138 Ritchie, E. S., & Sons...... . 145 Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to. Advertisers March; 1919 Robeson Preseryo Co.......++- «ee 26 Rocky River Dry Dock Co..... ee eereU Rothweiler & CO.....--+0.62- soe doo Rudder Publishing Co.......-+0.. 133 S Saginaw Shipbuilding Co........-- 68 Savage Arms CO.......seseeceee 55 Schutte & Koerting Co.......... 42 Severance, 8., Mfg. Co. .Front Cover, 137 Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co., 163 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co....... 136° Shipbuilders’ Machinery Co., Inc,, 13 Shipbuilders’ Pneumatic Tool Co... 164 Siggers & Siggers.......s.seeeere 141 Skinner & Eddy Corp. ovosvsove 64° Smart-Turner Machine Co., Ltd.... 132 Smith Bros. ........... piewrate bin poke ‘Sperry Gyroscope Co., The........ 25 St. Lawrence Marine Railway Co.. 135 Sean ley ea Wea Wore eiacs scerelesielacew eae Stimpson, Edwin B., Co....... ~-. 142 Stover & Stover........ Nites letelgieil LAO Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co..... Bey ka Sullivan Lumber. Co., Inc........ 133 Sun Shipbuilding Co........ eee be OO Superior Iron Works Co..... eorwtels AERO, Superior Ship Building Co..... 23). 13 T Taylor Instrument Co............ 145 Taylor, S. K., Lumber Co........ 161 Thacher, Geo. H., & Co......... 30 Thatcher Furnace Co............ 151 Thomas Grate Bar Co........... 33 Thomas Spacing Machine Co....... 164 PROMS lis: Sige vOOy vhs state cueeuclae sce 132 Tietien & Lang Dry Dock Co... 64 Todd Dry Docks, Inc............ 62 Toledo Shipbuilding Co., The..... 69 route Hs Go OW wee ke ones 136 U United Engineering &- Foundry Co.. 47 We Si Crane Con cies ss ee et eee 141 U. S. Metallic Packing Co........ 147 United States Rubber Co......... 17 U. S. Shape & Pipe Bending Co... 161 Vv Vance & Joys Co..... Ride area ack -. 138 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co........ 84 W Wager; Robert. Hiei. eels ace LET Walker, Thomas, & Son, Ltd...... — Ward, Charles, Engineering Works.. .— Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill....... 140 Waterbury Company ......... Raises 2.) Watsons Whe. Cosi eek cee 142 Wellman Products Co............ 159 Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co....... cB Western) Spar: O03. 6 ccs ks cl 58 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. SSN eae eee Rath ear LL Whiting Foundry Rgutpirient Co.. 58 Whiting, John L.-J. J. Adams Co. — Whitlock Cordage Co............ 50 Wickes Boiler Cod. 0. 0c ccc wen 28 WaEaims: 9d Co es 46 Wilson Welder & Metals Co, Inc... 41 Woodworkers Tool Works.......... 133 Woven Steel Hose & Rubber Co.... 155

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