44 THE MARINE REVIEW March, 1919 “LITTLE TUGGER” HOISTS Put “Pep” Into the Odd | HOISTING AND HANDLING JOBS é Think of saving the time and labor now expended in handling | light loads by man power or other inefficient means. “Little Tugger” Hoists are doing it in many yards—should be doing it for you. They hoist plates, forms, timbers, fittings, haul planks, place machines—there’s no limit to their usefulness. Built for portable use, can be clamped or bolted anywhere and operated in any position. Either air or steam supplies power. The load limit is a half ton. Bulletin 4233 tells full details ASK FOR A COPY INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY 11 Broadway 165 Q. Victoria St. Off The World O “Little Tugger’? Hoist NEW YORK Fg eee LONDON 52-LH “Having a PULL means having a friend in power who will act as a steam windlass for you.” The “Providence” STEAM WINDLASS (Compound Spur Gears) has another kind of pull, and plenty of it. It has 15 per cent more pull than the worm-geared types and at 50 per cent faster speed. You have been look- ing for just this combination. Our price will please you, too. : Write us today. AMERICAN ENGINEERING COMPANY Successors to American Ship Windlass Co. and Williamson Bros. Co. MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS PHILADELPHIA ! . — Please mention THE Marine REvIEwW when writing to Advertisers