50 THE MARINE REVIEW March, 1919 BRUNSWICK ICE MACHINES for LAKE STEAMERS Rush shipments if necessary BRUNSWICK REF RIGERATING CO. 00-850 Jersey Ave. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. REVISED UPWARD Whitlock ALL-Manila Rope Has Set a New Standard of Value Better Fibre—Greater Strength—Greater Length per pound—Lower cost per foot at a given pound price Send for a copy of our new “Rope Schedules.” These tables measure 9" 11", are substantially bound and varnished inside to prevent soiling. — They contain much valuable information for everyone interested in high- grade Manila Rope. | 2 46 South Street, -WAITLOCK CORDAGE (O. NEW YORK Just Send This Coupon Ea ee OM eg OSes . iio Whitlock Cordage Company, 46 South Street, New York. Please send me, free of expense, a copy of your new “ ROPE SCHEDULES. ”’ Rope! that End Vee Up %% att Noy Ny SS Rs = Ss NDC Le RR Te ee ee mang aie MERON ONAL O 8,100) @, BURG 16 98°00. Sle 81/8 OG So Bb: 6. 6918, 8) '4\'6 Bi o..p hw.) Oo et Rene. wield ent ern age, ata ee ee ee GAC gM POR RLY RNR As OS, ARNO ROLE ANON O Ce RO a 820. Apr eK@Ke 6,4 Wien Bip eleil WN OW Or a Tare coreed wt GG erw Rea W eee Oke knw Sacha lg ae Please mention THe Martine Review when writing to Advertisers