March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW per cent, to: Dec. 9 at: 0,75.per cent and to Dec.12 at 1 per cent.’ The provisions for sailings between April 1, midnight, and April 15, midnight, prior to the official opening of naviga- 139 Accident Statement for Years 1909-1918 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF ACCIDENTS REPORTED DURING SAILING SEASONS 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 tion, remain as in previous years, at Serauialisp Be Tea ee a iz - BL 00 AR ABO ER Oe re coe 1 ‘ Z : POUNGINGS) ose eee encase 80 19 wi 28 30 26 44 pro rata of the daily navigating rate Collisions ..... ee eee 198° 88! BG. eDr Be We en ea, BR from the time of sailing to April aon Hea CSP ten a 7m : : 10 2 2 a 8 sh ‘ : PURINE MOCKS ice ters sqersve actiate selva 1 oe a Bas 3 15, midnight. Striking bridges, abutments, docks, sacs breakwaters, buildings, piers, No additions - were made to the hioy ibis. “eanat ‘walle hat membership during 1918, and while a a and channel banks, cribs, CH ahaa pea ie ay aera es are Nee rp acter we é é 22 Z 35 number of vessels were sold, or Fite damage, a. see ae iC . e e * 1 ee 3 2 taken to & : Lees HISD LOSTONSIS si ciahe reve <pesornse saaseievarale ee 1 fs HS 1 a 1 ay, the coast, or otherwise dis Stress: of weather. owes. « 9 2 as 2 4 1 2 4 4 posed of, thes membership remains bee Ee dainage’ sa. oceces3 12 ; 4 : : 2 oe 3 4 8 : uidder> damage. ak. ecco 5 “de 5 es 1 ine practically the same. Wheel damage .............. As 4 7 LoS SRO Be ee eg As a result. of. a suggestion ad- od a broken quadrants. .... > 1 2 = a oS a x 3 g OUler. AMIE oS ie te Se cree ; ey ae Waterco vanced at the meeting, the advisory Collapsed decks ............0. 2 a = ee ‘ . : : : Cargo2 heating: were vv aseleit. aI aah zd age committee will take under discussion LepRl ERpeER ee 9 = i eee the question of sending reports to ek Sete and chain. 05.0... : 1 ; SS 2 3 . COS SOAMIARE cous cn cin siete wacele ore Sr ey 52 each fleet of the results obtained in Salvage iouclncton fen ye. 5 oy es s » that fleet. It is h i Unknown xe ese cs ot Hiesbelela ew: oe 1 a i oped by this means Broken deck winches......... Ae RS J 3 ee ae to improve operdtions in those fleets Loading rig fell on deck...... .. AS 1 of a 3 where conditions below the average tate cit end acer a ; ee os prevail. The rate question for 1919 Ran over wreck Steamer Joliet. . 1 . a : Gost shoe and rudder..:...... 2 a 1 2 was not discussed at the meeting and Flooded: _ Open sea cock...... 1 : 3 : on WenbedsPlateesc6s saves euee ce cuky tohees 1 a ae will be ue as ustial by the ad Twisted rudder stock.......... 1 A er visory committee. Gas 2 OxplOsiOn es ir. gsc ty ain eke s Sivie 1 ie ie ‘ . INJMNICS? on eee Ree es 2 Peter Reiss, Sheboygan, Wis., was Pei, dena RRS aR eee | 3 : A elected a member of the advisory Damaged . lines WER Glens (eiea tere Ope ane BS asin . tee ae ne. 2 2 wis A 5 Broken steering gear.......... si Res Sig ‘gt ne ns os ake 1 aa committee succeeding the late Capt. Damaged: anaroo ian c sss se 2 4 : Unloading machinery damage.... ae 1 D. Sullivan. The other members were Struck unloading rig.......... pi 3 re-elected, including: J. S. Ashley, A. Motalt lOSseS ucts etcan sas 4 6 3 1 2 1 1 ee E. R. Schneider, W. C. Richardson, God hee Pa ee 428 935 198 177. 150 92 122 133 216 189 Ci dae He in itchinson, Harry Coulby, C. Certificates written: in: 1909. otis.% sie rachis sisee ois secrmpnia tts tag ptm lniaisia Sate veteran tlarerare 370 vessels D3 Dyers Hu Ke Oakes: “tohn.. 3. Certificates. ‘written. in 1910 O25. 60. ode e cee er beeen ns Cote n panier gcc 402 vessels Boland, William Livingstone and W. Se ee et) OO ee H.- Becker. These members later Certificates written: in | 2013. Oise cis cde v4 vk none so vngg ie Ve anced cued ene 211 yessels 1 ffi A +h ‘ Certificates written: an: <9 T4 Onspeed cia s acon ola Sin. be a owiocane en leu Neal hare lai ere panel 179 vessels elect ofmcers and the present officials Certificates’ written? in 1 9 Pos Oates see aes esac kao Sreseeate she ace ie adsense se orcn a oes en ae Oy 168 vessels i pe Certificates written: An TO RG! OM icc s acasisie win sap cldcoher caries) «ois eyes) mtetone eer ela eerie ats 175 vessels probably will be re elected, They Certificates: written’ tm sVOU7 Ome. cod i. crates mrelereie piesejae ayejaieces ai enn ois ae ernment 186 vessels are J. S. Ashley, chairman; Capt. Cortifichtes written’ < in 1918 - ons 64 So Ae A ree ee ee 174 vessels ¥y. ; p | W. C. Richardson, treasurer: Harve = ») 3 ) ’ Sy: D. Goulder, counsel, and George A. Marr, secretary and attorney in fact. bors when the water was known tu channels will approximate $265,000. The annual report showed that of the accidents of the sailing season, the greatest losses were from strand- ings in the open lake. The losses from these sources will approximate a half million dollars. There is no question but that the majority of such: losses are entirely avoidable and and in practically every case they re- sult from navigating dangerous vicin- | ities in fogs. Strandings in. rivers and channels will approximate $200,- 000. These, also, generally speaking, resulted from navigation in fogs or : thick weather. Many times the as- 4 sociation has called the attention of 2 everyone interested to the danger and the disastrous result of this prac- tice. It would. be far better for the navigator to wait until the weather is clear than to put his ship in dock for a month or more merely to avoid a few minutes’ delay. Groundings in harbors will approxi- mate $200,000; groundings in rivers and channels will be about $125,000. These may be the result, in some cases, of overloading or entering har- be below normal on account of ad- verse. winds. Generally speaking, water levels were very good during the season; Lake Superior remained practically the same throughout the season, as in 1917; also, there was little change in Lakes Michigan and Huron between 1917 and 1918. In Lake St. Clair, however, the water was considerably lower during the entire year, as also was the water in Lake Erie. It was necessary, there- fore, to reduce the drafts in conform- ity with conditions. We find that the greatest number of groundings in harbors occurred in the lower lakes and in consequence our subscribers should take the precaution to see that their vessels are loaded in conformity with drafts recommended in order to avoid possibility of such losses. Collisions in Harbors Collisions in harbors, of which there were 26, will approximate $70,000. Four collisions in the open lake will approximate a loss of $100,- 000; nine collisions in rivers and These sources of loss have always been the subject of comment in our reports. It is gratifying to know that the number of collisions in the open lake have been greatly reduced, undoubtedly due to the observance of the separate courses, but we still continue to have the annoying minor collisions in harbors which, while generally speaking are not. serious, doubtlessly could be avoided by our navigators with very little difficulty. It reflects prominently of “too much rush,” “too much hurry,” when by -taking a little time and precaution this source of loss could be avoided. Collisions in channels, of which there were nine, are quite serious matters and no doubt to a great extent are attributable to the same causes: “to much rush,” “too much hurry,’ too great a desire to make up a few minutes’ time when with a little good judgment and a little cau- tion these accidents could be entirely avoided. We have had 10 losses through damage to vessels in col- lision with ice. It is quite notice-