THE MARINE REVIEW April, 1919 Bee er Sy ees We Specialize in the Design and Construction of Surface and Jet Condensers, Pumps, Etc. RADOJET AIR PUMPS Fulfill all the requirements for marine service oe és bet ae aha ky Smallest weight Reliable and noiseless operation Highest economy No moving parts RADOJET ae by No lubrication No foundation Low Speed Centrifugal ROTREX Vacuum Pump Pump ~ ROTREX Suction Valveless Rotary Centrifugal Pumps designed to suit Type Vacuum Pump. all marine conditions. Combined Air and Circulating Pump C. H. Wheeler Manufacturing Company Main Office and Works: Philadelphia, Penna. Branch Offices: NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE CHARLOTTE NEW ORLEANS Please mention Tue Martine Review when writing to Advertisers