| _— HEN the | Sens ee ) - 4 ae /@ : U. S. naval harbor was : chosen by the navy department as the site for the largest submarine base on the Pa- cific coast. Below are some of the submarines berthed at this harbor and their mothership. transport Sixaola, loaded with sup- plies for France, caught fire re- cently at Hobo- ken, N. J., it was decided to sink her. Two officers lost their lives opening seacocks. SS an HE censor has just ==; emmmmmumermei Cc ULF QUEEN was released this excep- - : 8 : =e christened on Feb. tional war-time photo- ity, vetiin, Se) 27 at the yards of the graph, showing the sink- ee = fk See New York Shipbuilding ing of the United States yon ta. ue = Corp. Opposite is the steamship Covington. wee re maaan oo craft éntering the water. VIATORS who have learned the _ gentle art of bombing will drop mailsacks on the decks of the liners operated by the Kerr Steamship Co., from 24 toi:36 hours after the ships have left port, if the company’s plans ma- terialize. Here is the first machine constructed for the service, a strut- less biplane, equipped with a 6-cylinder motor.