Bun eGunslesicaap sid otis 212 THE MARINE REVIEW POWER PRESS WITH TAPERED BACK SHAFT TO COMPENSATE’ DRIVING STRAINS ‘This control apparatus is located. on the bottom of the upright where it is within convenient reach of the oper- ator. The machine is equipped with an adjusting rack on each side ofxthe frame. of worm gearing which is arranged to be opposed in directions of operation. The ram or cutter bar is counter- weighted and has square bearings of sufficient size to insure long life. A taper side adjusting shoe is provided for taking up wear as it develops. The vertical clamping surface is steel faced and is provided with suitable tool holding clamps. Beneath the -ram is located a steel swiveling relief tool box apron which can operate in any point of a complete circle. Power from the motor is trans- mitted to the steel rack that operates the ram through the medium of steel spur gearing. These gears are of coarse pitch and are wide faced to insure maximum wear without unnec- essary noise. All gearing is covered and on the operating side of the ma- chine, all the gears are completely enclosed. The circular platen is heavily ribbed to insure it against springing when work is strapped in place. The platen has a full bearing on the saddle to which it is held by corner clamps. The platen is centered by means of a deep faced large diameter bearing 360 degeés... while ® ‘baying fou” ‘ireny linds ‘Of, work the: platen: Agi The adjustment is by means. péovided with 16 T-slots to The cast ee ig” facilitate” strapping work in place. oil pan- around the platen bas integral. an. actyfatecfinish and is graduated in “Thi¢ feature.is of value The saddle on which located has a narrow guide alignment with a centralized: location of the feed screw. A taper shoe is provided to control the fit. Hand adjustment of the saddle is provided for both ends of the cross slide. All feed motions are clutched inde- pendently by means of separate levers. The cross slide is of heavy box-type section and has square bearings on the base with a side adjustment by means of a taper shoe. The adjust- ment is from the operating side as well as from the front of the ma- chine. All feed screws are equipped with bearings on each end to insure proper tension in operation. from Heavy Power Press The machine shown in the accom- panying illustration was designed for heavy press work by the Ferracute Machine Co., Bridgeton, N. J. It is substantial in construction and is built to withstand pressures up to 500 tons. The machine can be driven by a belt from the main shaft or by direct _and other high- frequency work, hot- wire » measuring instrument shown dn’ the accompanying illustration, de- 1919 motor drive. Provision is made for attaching a motor shelf at the top of the press. The tensile stresses are taken by four 5%%-inch steel rods which are shrunk in the cast iron columns. This method of construction was used to permit’ maximum -strength with mini- mum weight. The ram has a vertical movement of- 18’ inches and _ travels between five and six strokes per min- ute. The clearance between the side columns is 148 inches and the clear- ance from the bed to the ram at the top of its stroke when adjusted to its highest point is 60 inches.. oe April, Power is applied by a. substantial combined friction clutch. and brake. The ram is driven by two connect- ing rods actuated by cranks which are placed as near the housings as pos- sible to avoid strain. The crankshaft is driven by two heavy spur gears. The back. shaft, which drives. the crankshaft through the medium of ‘wo pinions,.is tapered to equalize the torsional strain. As one of the driving pinions is at a comparatively long dis- tance from the driving gear while the other is quite close,*it is obvious that quite a torsional'strain is set up in the shaft while the press is in opera- tion. By equalizing this torsion both of the driving gears on the crankshaft are driven with equal pressure, tangen- tially on their teeth. Meters for Radio Work Its periphery is turned ta4s.> wireless the Designed particularly for pends for*“its operation upon the ex- pansion of a metal strip which is heated by the current to be measured. The device was developed by the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. The slight sag METER FOR WIRELESS WORK