April, 1919 SELF-CONTAINED, PIPE machine is designed to bend while cold all kinds of pipe and tubing up to 6- inch diameter. The machine is a self- contained, motor-driven unit and _ is semi-automatic in operation. It is said that this machine will bend 3-inch extra-heavy pipe on a 12-inch radius at the rate of one 90-degree bend SNR AR UIUVUIIUUUEAT LT THE MARINE REVIEW 21 4 | BENDING UNIT DESIGNED FOR BENDING PIPE AND TUBING WHILE COLD — per half minute. The product, it is pointed out, is free from kinks or other mechanical injuries with its ability to withstand excessive pressure tests unim- paired. After the machine is set up for a given operation, any number of duplicate bends can be made. The location of the weld with refer- ence to the direction of bending does not present difficulties and it, is pointed out that split pipes, generally caused by the weld failing in the bending operation, are rare occurrences. The machine ‘handles round, oval, triangular and square coils. It is said to be par- ticularly adapted for marine work. tie HULU Sa The Canadian Pacific railroad is reported planning the construction of a new pier at Vancouver, B. C. The Emergency -Fleet corporation is reported con- templating building a dock at Erie, Pa. A $20,000 shipbuilding plant is contemplated by the Hudson Shipbuilding Corp., Tarrytown, N.Y. Plans are being drawn for the erection of a plant for the Winnisimmet Ship Yards, Inc., Chelsea, Mass. The capital stock of the Premier Shipping Co., New York, recently was increased from $5000 to $100,000. The American Construction (Co., Cleveland, has opened offices at 704 Marion building, 1276 West Third street. It is reported that the Richard T. Green Co., Chelsea, Mass., is having plans prepared for the erection of a drydock. : Fire recently damaged a 2-story tool shop at the plant of the Mystic River Shipbuilding €o., Somer- ville, Mass. A $60,000 spar shop addition will be erected at the Portsmouth, N. H., navy yard by the bureau of yards and docks. The Marietta Mfg. Co., Point Pleasant, W. Va., contemplates the erection of an addition to its ma- rine ways for the construction of barges. The Narragansett Shipbuilding Co., Portsmouth, N. H., reeently started work on the erection of a drydock. The Athens Shipbuilding Co., Athens, N. Y., re- cently inereased its capital from $100,000 to $500,000. Bids have been taken by the Boston Drydock & Shipbuilding Co., Bostot, for the erection of a ship repair plant, estimated to cost $6,000,000. The Baltimore Dry Dock & Ship Building Co.. Baltimore, recently let a contract for the erection of a large warehouse. Plans are being drawn for the erection of a small pipe bending shop for the Buffalo Drydock Cc., Buffalo, The Seattle Chain Co., Seattle; some time age was awarded a contract by the government for an- chor chains to equip 40 ships. Fire recently damaged the machine shop of the Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. The loss was estimated at $15,000. Improvements to the plant of the Dominion Ship- building Co., Toronto, Ont., will be made, and will include the erection of a _ boiler house. A waiting room and ferry slip is being planned by the Peoples Ferry Co., Bath, Me., of which E. R. Leonard is treasurer. Plans are being prepared for the erection of a drydock costing $100,000 by the Tidewater Shipbuild- ers, Ltd., Three Rivers, Que. Pile work also con- templated by the company will cost about $40,000. Bids have been taken by the Emergency Fleet cor- poration, Philadelphia, for the erection of a 2-story, 60 x 304-foot machine shop and office building at Field’s Point near Providence, R. I. A recent incorporation is that of the Chats Falls Navigation Co., Ottawa, Ont., which was incorpo- rated to construct and operate vessels, with $50,000 capital, by Welden J. Graham, L. G. Roy and others. According to a report the Newport News Shipbuild- ing & Drydock Co., Newport News, Va., will resume construction work on a $3,000,000 plant, construction of which was put in abeyance some time ago. A shipbuilding plant, including a drydock with a capacity of 12,000 tons, machine shop and _ other facilities, will be erected by the Perth Amboy Dry- dock Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. ; Incorporation papers have been granted the Robert Reford Co., Inc., Portland, Me., to build boats and vessels. The company is capitalized at $50,000 and was chartered by B. L. Merryman, R. N. Robinson and William §S. Linnell. The American Baltic Corp., Dover, Del., has beer incorporated to build and operate vessels with $5;500,- 000 capital, by Charles D. Alee, L. B. Phillips, KE. B. Thomas and_ others. The Murray & ‘Tregurtha Corp., Boston, recently was incorporated with $1,000,000 capital, by Sam- uel D. Messing, J. W. Troy and M. Sumner Cog- gan, to build boats, aircraft, motors, ete. Announcement has been’ made by the Liberty Metal Products Co., Berea, 0., manufacturer of marine metal specialties, that the company has increased its authorized capital to $35,000. Adams, Lovell & Burlingham, shipbuilder, marine and mechanical engineers, has been incorporated with $101,000 capital, by TT. D. Adams, R. L. Lovell and W. Burlingham, 90 West street, New York. Erection of a new steel plate shop is reported being considered by the W. & A. Fletcher Co., Ho- boken, N. J., which operates a_ shipbuilding and ship repair plant on Hudson street. Plans for the establishment of a steel shipbuilding plant are being considered by the Wisconsin Ship- building & Navigation Co., Kewanee, Wis., according to a current report. Plans have been prepared ‘for the erection of a punch shop for the Buffalo Drydock Co., Buffalo. The building will be built at an estimated cost of $20,000. The Gaspe Shipbuilding & Trading Co., Gaspe, Que., recently was incorporated to build ships, ete., with $75,000 capital, by Alfred Lacouvee, H. J. Hyman and Thomas H,. Jopling. Improvements and extensions to the shipyards at Three Rivers, Que., will be made by the Canadian Pacific railroad, Montreal, Que. The improvements TS aa pg ee? Pe eee PoE RT eee Oe PET eT CMe ae