132 ; THE MARINE REVIEW April, 191 The De Laval Double-Helical Gear Over 25 years ago, at the beginning of his development of the steam turbine, Dr. De Laval saw the desirability of ‘speed reducing gears, whereby the turbine could be allowed to run at the best speed for efficiency while preserving the proper speed of the driven machine. The perfection of the De Laval Double-helical Speed-reducing Gear and of the methods and equipment used in its production have proceeded progressively . from that day to this. Hundreds of De Laval Gears have run day in and day : out for years and are giving complete satisfaction. This is due to rational and : conservative design, special apparatus and methods for cutting which produce the correct pitch, angle and tooth contour, and means for supporting the gear j and pinion so that the gear will operate noiselessly, efficiently and without vibra- tion, thus retaining the criginal, correct tooth contours. ; r Our new Marine Catalog M 63, contains numerous illustrations and dimensioned drawings of turbine and gear arrangements for various types of ships. Ask for a copy. i - End of De Laval 2500 hp. d DE Jog tan STEAM TURBINE CO. eee es ae (Aen oe TRENTON, N. J. single-reducticn gear. ‘ STUDY TRAP CAPACITIES "Gnoctal Manifolds at a Reasonable Cost WE have made a great many special manifolds for bilge, ballast, and other purposes. If you can use one of our design, you will effect a considerable saving in cost. If you require types of manifolds other than those we have manufactured, we can make them exactly according to your specifications and deliver on time. Machi inery Kerré Corporation Marine Tguinaene Division Detroit, Mich. Select your Traps on a Guaranteed Capacity Basis SAVE SPACE—SAVE MONEY Send for our New Trap Booklet American Steam Gauge & Valve Manufacturing Co. New York Chicago BOSTON Atlanta Pittsburgh Ashton Dependable High Grade Pop Valves, Steam Gages Whistles [Specially Adapted for High Pressure Marine Service FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS THE PENBERTHY INJECTOR has enjoyed recognized leadership, not alone in the United States, but throughout the world, The Penberthy never disappoints you—it is invariably dependable, That’s the reason, a pretty good one, too! You should have Penberthy feed your boilers, Catalogue on request. PENBERTHY INJECTOR COMPANY Established 1886 Canadian Factory N York D t Windsor, Ont. DETROIT, MICH. 71 Bekman St. Unequalled for Efficiency, Durability and Low Cost of Maintenance The Ashton Valve Co. 161 First St. Cambridge, Mass. Branches NewYork Boston Chicago San Francisco Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers