April, 1919 Geo. Oldham & Son Co. Manufacturers of PNEUMATIC TOOLS Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. Chipping and Calking Hammers Riveters and Holder-Ons Jam Riveters All sizes and capacities for the shipyard Complete line of pneumatic tools of merit FOR SHIPBUILDING TOOLS SENT ON APPROVAL Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of vessels Providence, R. I. U.S. A. Manufacturers and Repairers of Boilers Marine Work a Specialty All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work SEATTLE U. S.A. THE MARINE REVIEW 151 “NORWALK” COMPRESSORS Air, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Acetylene Years of satisfaction to our customers merits your confidence in the “NORWALK” Any pressure, size or capacity Standard line of sizes Specifications gladly furnished The Norwalk Iron Works Co. -South Norwalk, Conn. COMPACT STURDY . STRONG. SIMPLE RELIABLE These are a few of — the good points that have ii made Dake Steam Steering Type “CS” with Double Hand Wheel Gears the most popular in their field. There is nothing complicated about a ‘Dake Gear”’. Their simplicity of design has eliminated all delicate springs and complicated mechanisms so common to this type of machine. The improved DAKE reversible engine used on the gears has made this simple con- struction possible and insures unequalled dependability. Write for complete catalog of Marine Auxiliary Ma- chinery—Steering Gears, Windlasses, Capstans, etc. DAKE ENGINE COMPANY Grand Haven, Michigan, U.S. A. Chicago Agent: J. E. Chisholm, Ry. Exc. Bldg. New York Agt.: H. L. Drullard, 30 Church St. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers