Ce Pee ee Ss PERS REE PRE RL! AR gee April, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW | 153 TIMPSON-EYELETS = WE MANUFACTURE EYELETS FOR EVERY PURPOSE, IN ALL DIAMETERS, LENGTHS, SIZES, SHAPES AND COLORS. SPECIAL EYELETS AND SHEET METAL STAMPINGS MADE UNDER CONTRACT. ; (Wily) a * Cady & CD we Ce as Avo ON ae ¥ Us A. 289 N22 tAeOS A.177 A.652 BROOKLYN. NEW-YORK Feel Secure Under All Conditions EQUIP YOUR BOAT WITH The ONLY Life Saving Device That Has Made Good Ever Warm _ Safely Suit BERNSTEIN METAL BERTHS offer a complete, practical and efficient line. ‘A berth to successfully meet every condition on board ship. 7 YOU CAN’T CHILL Working about or sailing the boat in wind and storm or wrecked and over- board everybody is pro- tected from exposure— the cause of most deaths in marine disasters, YOU CAN’T DROWN The boat may sink but in an ‘“Ever- Warm” you will keep afloat indef- initely. Buoyancy indestructible— not air inflated. Onina Flash Like aUnion Suit (Approved and used by U.S. Navy Dept.) Ask for Pamphlet “25A” and learn how these suits are saving lives in tragedies at sea. NATIONAL LIFE PRESERVER CO. Tel. Bowling Green 8609 11 Broadway, NEW YORK SPECIAL OCEAN VOYAGERS’ RENTAL PLAN ANE LIFE BOATS | CM.LANE Lire Boar Co, Bernstein No. 5553 Third Class Steerage and Crew Berths Write for catalog No. 17 descriptive of Bernstein Berths, Ship Beds, Bedding and Metal Furniture. 3rd and Allegheny Department R Avenue PIAHUFACTURING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. FOR EVERY PURPOSE Ounce Duck Canvas Tarpaulins Numbered Duck Sheetings 2 Waterproofing and Canvas Bags and Waterproofed Duck Specialties Write for Stock List W. W. STANLEY 50 Church Street NEW YORK, N. Y. Please mention THe Martne Review when writing to Advertisers