2a April, 1919 it are practical crane men. They have not only made it quick and easy to operate, but with this wide range, have given Browning owners the opportunity to get the largest possible profit. Every user from the owner of an industrial plant to the general con- tractor can find a multitude of prof- itable uses for a ““Browning’’ Crane. It can be equipped to handle a hook- block or grapple, an electric magnet, to increase your profits, sent free on request. THE BROWNING COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO Sales Offices: New York Chicago THE MARINE REVIEW A catalog with graphic illustrations of the universal adaptability of the Browning Locomotive Crane, together with figures showing how they may be used BROWNING THE ALL-AROUND CHAMPION WONDERFULLY varied usefulness has earned for the Browning Locomotive Crane the title of ‘‘All-Around Champion.” The engineers who have developed any type of bucket, or a drag-line scraper. With a set of pile-driver leads it becomes a pile-driver of ex- ceptional efficiency, or with a Brown- ing Steam Shovel attachment you get a steam shovel of extreme reach and high-dump. All are interchangeable. When you consider all these ad- vantages, and then consider that they will switch their own cars, is it any wonder that the “‘Browning”’ is a favorite with all who have been for- tunate enough to obtain one? . It is needless to go into the details of the mechanical con- struction. The wearing qualities of the “Browning” are too well known to need detailed argument. The reputation which Browning Cranes enjoy necessitates the best in design, materials and workman- ship. Balanced for $ pis ees ee Boehner soe ete NP Service oe ‘ ES Pe : a i sj Ae: ogee CR Re Ree ae RR NEE OMe CLT EO See ONT IT RI A TR SESS REND PEO nT a AS ee .