aera Se, RRS Rt GARCO ASBESTOS PRODUCTS Packings Locomotive Throttle and Air Pump Packings High Pressure Piston Packings Valve Stem Packing Medium and Low Pressure Packings Perfect Valve Rings Flax Packings High, Low and Medium Pressure Sheet Packings Gaskets and Gasketting Material Asbestos Wick and Rope Asbestos Automobile Specialties Brake Lining Transmission Lining for Fords Cone Clutch and Disc Clutch Facings Asbestos Spark Plug Yarn Asbestos Textiles Cloth Yarn Cord Carded Fibre ~ Braided Tubing THE MARINE REVIEW April, 1919 Don’t wait till you need gasket material in a hurry—don’t risk holding up a mighty important repair job while you send out and get a cut piece of sheet packing. Prepare NOW—stock Garco Gaskette Roll today. IN isteet before have you been able to buy high grade, wire inserted asbestos sheet packing in convenient, ready-to-use form like this. Never before have you been able to get it, cut 10" wide by 40" long—ready for the dozens of jobs where this size just fills the bill. you need—know that it is fully protected from dust and dirt—know that you are prepared for every emergency. GARCO GASKETTE ROLL is the new- est, biggest item in the complete line of highest quality GARCO Asbestos Prod- ucts. It is made of high-grade, long- fibre asbestos, thoroughly re-inforced by an interwoven net-work of strong, fine wire. It is treated with GARCO Special Now you can keep in stock just the quantity Waterproofing Compound—finished red one side, graphite the other. Gaskets made from Gaskette Roll are guaran- teed for the highest pressure or tempera- ture ever met in steam or gas engine service. Make up your mind now to stock GARCO GASKETTE ROLL. Ask your jobber for prices or write us direct for full information. The same high-grade Garco Sheet Packing also sold under GARCOBESTOS Brand in full rolls of 250 pounds and half rolls of 125 pounds, 40" wide, all standard thicknesses. General Asbestos & Rubber Co., ™2in, fice |, Charleston, S. C. Branches and Complete Stocks: 58 Warren St., New York, 106 W. Lake St., Chicago, 311 Water St., Pittsburgh LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF ASBESTOS TEXTILE PRODUCTS IN THE WORLD ECO Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers “le