April, 1919 Cooking Apparatus including Ship Ranges of all sizes heated by coal and electricity, Steam Tables, Broilers, Bake Ovens, Steamers, Ket- tles, Coffee Urns, etc., for ships of all kinds from OCEAN PASSENGER VESSELS TO SMALL PLEASURE BOATS We have specialized in marine apparatus for over half a century, have equipped countless vessels and private yachts and have been United States Navy Contractors for generations. Our designs are up to the minute in every respect and our equipment is_ constructed throughout of the heaviest materials. ‘‘Armco”’ rust-resisting iron is used wherever possible. We are glad to give you the benefit of our long experience whenever we can serve you. We invite marine architects, specially to consult us freely. Send for our Catalogue BRAMHALL, DEANE CO. -263B. West 36th Street AMERICAN LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG FAST EXPRESS SERVICE NEW YORK—GREAT BRITAIN FLEET ‘ST. LOUIS’’ “ST. PAUL"’ ‘“‘NEW YORK’”’ ‘“‘PHILADELPHIA’”’ “FINLAND” ““KROONLAND"”’ OFFICES 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia 14 N. Dearborn St., Chicago India Bldg., 84StateSt., Boston 338 Oliver Ave., Pittsburg 1208 F St., N. W., Washington 286 Main St., Winnipeg Hibernia Bank Bldg., New Northwest Corner | Ith and leans Locust Sts., St. Louis 121 South Third St., Minneapolis 319 Geary St., San Francisco 619 Second Ave., Seattle 41 King St. East, Toronto McGill Building, Montreal . 4 . . . Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers New York, N. Y. THE MARINE REVIEW 161 MARINE PUMPS VERTICAL, SINGLE New design embodying all of the good points and elim- inating the troubles of the ordinary verticalsinglepump. Ready in sizes from 8 W X 6" X 12" up to 16 "x12" 27" Address all of your inquiries to the Marine Department. NATIONAL TRANSIT| PUMP & MACHINE CO. : OIL CITY, PA. Send Us Your Specifications Anything in the Marine Supply Line is in our Line. Immediate Shipment from Stock and Mill C. C. Galbraith & Son, Inc. MANUFACTURERS JOBBERS Office:—90 West Street, New York City. Warehouses:—47 West Street, N. Y., and Keyport, N. J. WE SPECIALIZE IN Oakum (Spun and Unspun) Deck Plugs Anchors Spikes (Boat, Dock, R.R.) Deck Pitch Portlights Caulking Cotton Chain (All Kinds) Turnbuckles Ships Fittings Ship’s Hardware Nails—Washers Treenail Wedges Clinch Rings Ship’s Telegraphs WE BUILD Life Boats (Wood) Motor Yawls Diaphragm Pumps Life Boats (Metallic) Windlasses Life Boat and Life Rafts (Metallic) Capstans Life Raft Life Rafts (Emergency) Wood Working Boats Equipment WE MANUFACTURE Locust Treenails Chocks Cleats Manhole Plate Castings (all kinds) Bitts ok ED Pe OI OR ED - soy, Sy are GaN ht RS ea Os Mog h oe