Pe eee a as Cae ta | eS oe RE iy antecicels TT AAT ie al 3 | | tt i 3 ee ‘ 15 ge er ayy saa i ch! <seine eeaeT Cee i Bi he oa i ar . : 3 pres ee Ses NER ARES Spe a eae eee wah hige ey Si aa GU ani ta Rete o Published Monthly CLEVELAND, APRIL, 1919 20 Cents a Copy : Vol. 49, No. 4 Entered as second class matter, March 26, 1909, at the posi office at Cleveland, Ohio under the act of March 8, 1879 $2.00 a Year RAY tox 9 i eveven meuniere en a os Alphabetical List of Advertisers, page 160 _ ; Contents, page5 __ “Where to Buy,” page 144 ___ Classified Advertisements, page 159.