April, 1919 THE MARINE: REVIEW 29 TALK— to the Chief down in the Engine Room E’LL TELL YOU that the easiest feed water heater to inspect and repair, and the one which requires the /east repair is the Reilly Heater When you have satisfied your- self on that point, talk to some of the men who pay the ship’s operating bills and you © will hear the same kind of a story. SK TODAY for Bulletin Number 230— BECAUSE its con- tents are of real intrin- sic value to you. You NEED it! The Reilly Heater saves fuel, saves boilers and in all three © ; saves money. 4 THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. 2121 West Street Building, NEW YORK Chicago Office: 835-A Monadnock Building Please mention THE Martine Review when writing to Advertisers