April, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW Ocean Greyhound or the lake freighter must have the proper draft and ventilating equipment to Operate up - to schedule. Whether it is a question of speed or just steady day in : and day out dependability, boats equipped with A.B.C. prod- Draft ucts are efficiently and economically operated. Many of the best known lake and ocean-going boats, as well as Government war-ships, destroyers, and yachts are fitted with ‘‘Sirocco’’ and A.B.C. equipment. We make fans and blowers for forced and induced draft, hull and cabin ventilation, engines for generators, and centri- fugal condenser pumps. meg a Seventeen If you are planning on any equipment along the above lines, our experience should prove of value. Why not ask for one of our engineers to talk the matter over with you? AMERICAN RLOWER (COMPANY 7 Detroit, Mich. Canadian Sirocco Company, Ltd. Windsor, Ont. Branches in all large cities. Hull Ventilation TRADE MARK Please mention THe Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers