34 THE MARINE REVIEW April, 191 | ELECTRIC CONTROL — is the ideal form of transmission. _ It insures more sensitive control and greater ease of operation than any other. It relieves you of worry about air traps or temperature conditions. It eliminates the necessity of keeping a long line of shafting and gears in perfect alignment. Stretching will not in any way lessen its effectiveness, so that point need not worry you. It is so simple that it is almost impossible to get it out of order. It is very inexpensive in operation be- cause it uses a very small amount of current. Ask us to tell you more about The Benson Electric Telemotor We build a considerable line | oo of steering gears, windlasses, , winches, capstans and gyp- seys, towing machines and ship and dock chandlery. May we put your name on our mailing list for the new catalog soon to be issued? Pee eNO Se eS eS ot ae ge) we BO Ee 8 > shee LS CNA i nc ie SR American Engineering Company Philadelpiha, Pennsylvania | AP Cig YS eta A De danke a ce ii ae bank Sikes tae Please mention Tue Marine Review when writing to Advertisers SPR ORE a “ Ee Dp ta ey z i LS SOC aR a Cage de es eign ct he ES RS SOR 8 eT Ree Ea 5 = , oye