THE MARINE REVIEW April, 1919 “READY FOR THE IRONS” Machine Made MASTS — SPARS — BOOMS Labor is high— Don’t waste it. Made according to your blueprints WESTERN SPAR COMPANY 910 YEON BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON : Approved by steel-mill engineers as meeting all ‘‘ Safety-First ”’ requirements Standard 10-ton type ‘“‘R’’ Traveling Crane Consider These Points When You Buy a Crane: Trolley gears operate in oil in dust-proof cases No trolley gears overhung. Dependable brakes. Positive limit switch. Our Type “R” Embodies These Essentials SEND FOR CATALOG 130 Standard motors and controllers. All gears and working parts readily accessible. Substantial, rigid construction throughout. Complete WHITING 3 | Cranes Foundry = [agai a tale of all Equipments | Qtr Types Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers