April, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW : 63 S. S. Carmi A. Thompson built on the ISHERWOOD SYSTEM by the American Shipbuilding Co. Added length without increase of beam has increased the cargo carrying’ capacity without materially increasing weight of Hull. ISHERWOOD SYSTEM No. of Ships Built, under Construction or on Order at the 1st Jan., 1917. 620, aggregating 4, 676,000 tons deadweight carrying capacity. 1st Jan., 1918. 800, aggregating 6,000,000 tons deadweight carrying capacity. 1st Jan., 1919. 1200, aggregating 9, 500, 000 tons deadweight carrying capacity. This figure includes 400 oil tankers, aggregating 3, 660, 000 tons deadweight carrying capacity. And yet there are still Owners who have not Jed etched the advantages of the System. J. W. ISHERWOOD, 17 Battery Place, New York, U. S. A. And at 4 LLOYD’S AVENUE, LONDON, E. C. 3 THE OLD WAY THE ISHERWOOD SYSTEM Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers