70 THE MARINE REVIEW April; 197 Reliable Craft ATA REASONABLE PRICE Honest workmanship and material in every rib and plank, down underneath the paint; built in by skilled ship-carpenters under the personal super- vision of a man who has earned the reputation of turning out clean-lined, seaworthy craft. TUGS, BARGES, LIGHTERS, CARGO AND PASSENGER CRAFT UP TO 200 FEET MARINE RAILWAY—1000 TONS CAPACITY It pays to let us quote! The Raikes River Dry Dock Ce ROCKY RIVER, OHIO It is light in weight and speedily operated by an electric motor. SPEED UP Our scarphing machine will help turn the trick. This machine is portable, cuts a smooth accurate scarph in ten minutes. Will cut a scarph at any angle of any length up to 16 inches, and any width up to 8 inches. : Write us for prices and description. Sieeeame st a “_“OoRPORATION ~ BUILDERS OF sil EL STEAMSHIPS SEATTLE & 1 +4 «% WASHINGTON Please mention Tue Marine Review when writing to Advertisers