THE MARINE REVIEW April, 1919 4 ! wi yp Ns “Aw “3 ¥ i , Hy | = =) 1 mt rn ( For | ny Lake and Ocean Service 2 =SS__ FF =|, N\A yy \ “ SS SS SS SS S Saginaw Shipbuilding Company "en i {/ "01, MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING COMPANY 3 MANITOWOC, WIS., U. S.A. 3400. D.W.T. Ocean going steamer Lake Linden, length overall 261'0", moulded beam 43'6", depth 23'0". ) | ca a pt At CTT aT TTT TTT Designers and builders of Standard Cargo Ships and Tankers 1500 to 6000 tons D. W. Stand Motor Coasters 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 Tons D.W., Engines, Boilers and ‘Anailiary aes Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers REDE Se ae NO RT ea EN RR ORE ER ORY IIE is z SS RS a GS CT Ti et in a a Ee il oe a a Seka sa ae de