April, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW e Westinghous Marine Fquipmen ESSINGTON Our New Marine Works— Seventeen months ago the new Essington W orks were simply a carefully conceived plan on paper. Although ultimate expansion contemplates an in- crease of three to four times present capacity, the plant already represents an expenditure of millions of dollars—the factory site proper occupying | 10 acres of a 900-acre tract. : The consensus of opinion of those who have visited the new Essington Works, is that they conform tothehigheststandardofmod- ern shop practice and modern fac- tory construction. eer7 i NN | Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Machine Works Successors to The Westinghouse Machine Co., Washington, D.C., East Pittsburgh, Pa. Hunt, Mirk & Company, San Francisco—Seattle. Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers