Marine Business Statistics Condensed one-fifth greater than the number in the fiscal year 1919. Of the 2478 commercial ships making the transit in the past fiscal year, 1180 were bound from the Atlantic to the Pacific and 1298 from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The aggregate net tonnage of the com- mercial ships passing through the canal in the fiscal year 1920 was 8,545,653 tons, according to the Panama canal rules of measurement. Of this, 4,168,873 tons went from the Atlantic to the Pacific and 4,376,780 tons from the Pacific to the Atlantic. In the fiscal year 1919, the aggregate was 6,131,575 net tons. The cargo carried through the canal by the commercial ships in the fiscal year 1920 totaled 9,374,499 long tons. Of these, 4,092,516 tons were bound from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and 5,281,983 tons from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The aggregate cargo in the preceding fiscal year, carried by commercial ships, was 6,877,649 tons. In addition to the traffic of com- mercial ships, 266 vessels passed through the canal in the service of the United States government without the payment of tolls. These were practically all army and navy vessels. They carried 365,898 tons of cargo. In revenues and in earnings in ex- revenues was made in the fiscal year 1918, in an amount of $6,411,843.28. In that year the excess of revenues Over expenses amounted to $491,500.34, be- ing greater than that in any fiscal year prior to the fiscal year 1920. In the fiscal year 1919 revenues amounted. to $0,354,016.98, and the earnings above the cost of maintenance and operation were $241,822.21. To the beginning of the fiscal year 1920 the excess of expenses over revenues had made a deficit in the ac- count amounting to $4,618,990.75. This deficit will be decreased to about $2,- 500,000 by the earnings in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920. Tolls constituted about 96 per cent of the revenues. Other items are licenses and taxes, court fees and fines (about $150,000), and profits on the business operations of the canal ad- juncts. The latter item amounts to about $200,000 for the fiscal year 1920, and is on operations in which the expenditures were over $14,000,000. Seattle Traffic The record of traffic at the port of Seattle and in the Washington cus- toms district, including months for which figures are now available, follows: FOREIGN IMPORTS, EXPORTS AND TONNAG Passing Through Washington Customs District Entered, Cleared, Total, 1920 Imports Expo ts Total Tons Tons Tons PADUARY oie aietat i otiels sc cca teseis ies $29,964,055 $15,883,758 $45,847,813 242,653 280,827 523,480 WUDUOIUBAL Ys: < wiatetal alice Sis ceerneie 40,708,726 15,9&9,197 56,697,923 276,702 266,873 543,575 INET escheat a 0 arecace 66 46,392,720 32,780,040 79,172,760 802,678 282,694 585,372 Jpg | RAs ye St ore ne ee 32,713,226 25,156,134 57,869,360 280,959 243 328 524,287 WEIN, cg ates c Scat ptekimatara: ua awa 6 38,291,480 12,299,371 50,598,851 291,641 289,354 580;995 AAO catacasy 4 sus ctade-ocses da Raetats te 28,549,857 18,392,975 46,942,832 297,591 168,389 465,980 7 SEATTLE PORT TRAFFIC 1920 cess of expenses of operation. and maintenance, new records were, like- wise, established during the fiscal year. The summation of charges has not been completed in detail, but the figures indicate aggregate revenues ap- proximating $8,800,000 during the year. Expenses of operation and mainten- ance, including a proportion of over- head, in which are the expenses of civil government, hospitals, quarantine and sanitation, the executive depart- ment, the accounting department, the Washington office, the operation and repairs of storehouses and quarters, lighting of streets, operation of water and sewer systems, and roads, etc., total about $6,650,000. This indicates an excess of about $2,150,000. No profit has been made in a com- mercial sense, since there is no‘ con- sideration of interest or depreciation. The previous record for a year for Deep Sea Arrivals Deep Sea Departures N NO. 0. Ships Net tonnage Ships Net tonnage Month 220 284,557 January 237 320,212 220 302,158 February 236 306,467 290 841.705 March 299 325,164 328 331,921 April 348 334.540 376 328,594 May 392 324,932 353 332.666 June 483 346.849 417 —-441.,626 July 461 444,607 WASHINGTON CUSTOMS DISTRICT ——HEintrances— —Clearances— : No. Tonnage No. ‘Tonnage Jan.-—Ainerican See OE 87,885 196 128,962 foreign 185 155,268 187 151.865 i 346 242,653 383 280,927 Feb.—American 147 88,528 173 98,347 Foreign ..... 183 188,174 176 168,526 : 320 276,702 349 966.873 Mar.—American 185 118.794 174 107,134 Foreign ..... 161 188,884 155 175,560 346 302,678 329 289,694 Apr.—American 177. 127,786 | 174 senre Foreign ..... 179: 153,173 168 151.652 : 356 280,059. 349 943.908 May—American .... 228 107,183 979 no Foreign ..... 188 184,458 194 181/910 #16 291641 “4ee. anc June—American 264 135,420 oe a Foreign 190 162,171 194 174:779 454 297,591 432 968 489 554 Panama Canal Traffic Whole cargoes handled through the Panama canal during July, with sum- maries for earlier months of the year, follow: ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC ; No. of cargoes Tons Fr Deere rena Se rarneopir rr Timice i pA 70,856 Uy) bee) | aeeeaeer as etc Pere er oe eC 8 71,568 Riel = Seis a oe e tins siete 3 15,852 RUZAE? oso beak sia wins c0 sacemcmere mince if 5,000 Fuel briquettes ......--+-++-eeee a 3,194 Sieltetin cs saseiete siorworaceinrs ecsitcee 8 1 2,000 Mixed and general............-. 71 253,100 NOGA 3 Ses cts eae le een es 100 421,570 PACIFIC TO ATLANTIC No. of cargoes Tons BUDE coos aca Vivace 1a te ceb eecpaece @aptetecey eters 9 62,628 MUGat sce aces cine earece ecotallecenaae 7 54,014 Cold stoiage food products....... 7 45,061 INGGRADG ois, co osese ww wipe helena ois sseceutie 5 23,435 RICO ooo ore oe ea eee 4 27,412 Reirmabenn es aes aad oe: ea eerare es 4 14,484 Babrieating = oil 3.65 <u... ce cee te 2 20,642 NUIDARS Sse carats neta aie aes bcs Nae cee s 3 19,905 Pennie ee ee eee apts oom os ie 3S 4,601 Mixed and general.........c.06% Hat 215,715 T Oba 3s. ape tieaten o esc NOIR 97 488,497 SUMMARY FOR JULY Nuniber of commercial vessels............. 225 Registered net tonnage of above.......... 702,951 Total commercial cargo handled........... 886,814 Vessels: without Carg0s... Scie. cae peo ems 33 Registered net tonnage of vessels without CAEGO Ck a re eriiee 6G 6s uieiee ob ey oer ener 02,653 SUMMARY FOR JUNE Number of commercial vesselg...........:. 201 Registered net tonnage of above.......... 575,027 Total eargo handled (toms)...........0%. 834,421 Vessels - withouts Cargo... 2.06 ss sae ces ee Registered net tonnage of vessels without CURLOe ee see cte e oe es ee eee 52,890 SUMMARY FOR MAY Number of commercial vessels............ 224 Registered net tonnage of above.......... 694,941 Total cargo handled (tons).............. 974,919 Vessels without “cargo. 2.0.25 Seu eres 25 Pegistered net tonnage of vessels without CAL EO es eee aces oe actne oleae < acer ep meee anes 88,043 SUMMARY FOR APRIL Number of commercial vessels..........-+ 220 Registered net tonnage of above.......... 672,169 Total cargo jiandled (tons)...........--- 855,563 Vessels: without cargo. i c:2.c Ss us ae eee SUMMARY FOR MARCH Number of commercial vessels.........--- 235 Registered met tonnage of above.......... 676,270 Total cargo handled (tons)...........+-- 894,516 Vessels’ without ‘cargo. .5 0. o6 2 oe wae tel 42 SUMMARY FOR FEBRUARY Number of commercial vessels.........--- 208 Registered net tonnage of above.......... 579,842 otal cargo handled (tons)............-. 701,799 Vessels: ‘without. catgo....o. cscsusa coe SUMMARY FOR JANUARY Number of conmercial vessels...........- 238 Registered net tonnage of above........... 632,154 Total commercial cargo handled..........- 894,628 Vessels without cargo.........:.c.+ce0+6 45 Registered net tonnage of vessels without CMLO a ce ecse ie ese eee 94,448 San Francisco Traffic During August, 427 vessels totaling 653,000: tous arrived at the port of San Francisco. Of this, sail tonnage amounted to 70,459. The total ton- nage of arrivals from foreign ports was 132,673. Departures from San Francisco in August totaled 564,000 tons, the total number of vessels being 408. The departures for foreign ports amounted to 184,593 tons. ss