Photographs from Far and Near What the transformation of an Atlantic liner from a coal to oil burner means to the stokers is shown in these illus- trations of the fireroom of the Aquitania. In addition to the fact that fewer men are re- quired, the conditions under which they work are revolu- tionized. Higher type of men, clean, comfortable quarters, these are some of the corollar- ies that result After end of No. 4 fireroom showing boiler ends and oil unit pump on the Aquitania. This view was taken in the same position as that above which shows the stokehold be- fore the equipment of the Cunard liner for burning oil _ Uncle Sam’s battleships now coal at Pearl har- bor, Hawaiian islands. The photograph shows two of the Pacific fleet being fueled from the United States collier Proteus Pelican of the Hudson Bay Co., about to leave Montreal for her annual trip to Hudson bay ports where the company’s factories are located. Pelican is an old British man-of-war and was the first ship to carry 6-inch guns zs a co o