Equipment Used Afloat, Ashore Portable Slotting Machine—Continuous Miller—Motors on Floating Dock NE of the most recent machine tools placed on the market is an improved type of portable slotting machine manufactured by the Newton Machine Tool Works, Philadelphia. This machine has a maximum stroke of 76 inches, a cross feed to the tool slide of 40 inches and an in-and-out feed to the tool slide of 6 inches. he tool slide has a vertical adjustment of 24 inches and the upright on the sub-base has a motor cross feed of 84 inches. Counterweights running in guides in- side of the upright are provided to counterbalance the saddle. Feed to the upright is accomplished by a separate motor through spiral and ‘bevel gears and a_ stationary screw, the feeds being automatically intermittent through a friction clutch. A hand lever and friction clutch con- trols the power rapid traverse of the upright in either direction. The sad- dle, which is supplied with tapered shoes ‘to compensate for wear, is operated by a screw with a 1-piece bronze nut. Traverse is controlled by a coarse-pitch, large diameter screw fitted with roller thrust bear- ings, both top and bottom, to insure operation in ‘tension. Drive to the screw is by a reversible motor through spur and bevel gears, the screw being carried in a “tension bearing with thrust collars running in oil. To pre- vent jamming, the screw is supplied with a safety clutch which is disen- gaged by the saddle at the top or bottom. Operating dogs for the reverse are mounted on the side of the machine with a latch so that they easily changed while the machine is in operation. These operating dogs have no connection with the feed. The tool apron has a swivel for re- lief and is arranged to swivel through a full circle for making angular cuts. The tool slide in place of having bolted straps on the side for the square gibs is integral with the slide itself, bronze taper shoes being em- ployed to take up the play. All gears on the machine are completely in- closed. Power is ordinarily supplied by a 15-horsepower reversing planer type motor while the feed to the upright is. furnished by 7%4-horse- power motor. Ten-ton steel containers, which can be handled on motor trucks and flats to the warehouses, loaded and transport- ed back to the barges, have been added Ey lea can be VERTICAL MULTIPLE SPINDLE MILLING MACHINE OF CONTINUOUS OPERATION to the equipment of the Warrior River- New Orleans government-operated barge lines, and are aiding materially in speeding up schedules and freight handling on this line. containers are shipped, packed, from as far away as St. Louis, on the Missis- sippi river barge line, and transferred by hoists, at New Orleans, to the Ala- bama barge line, which distributes their contents to Mobile, Tuscaloosa, Demop- olis and Birmingham, Ala. Through freight connections from these points can carry the containers still further, to Atlanta, Ga., Chattanooga, Tenn., and other interior points. Some of the. Designs Continuous Muller for Heavy Work For production milling on duplicate parts, a simple but rigidly constructed multiple spindle, continuous, vertical milling machine is being built by the Betts Machine Co., Rochester, N. Y. The inachine, as shown in the accom- panving illustrat‘on, is provided with three spindles, but additional spindles can be added to meet any require- ments of work. Each of the spindles, which are steel forgings driven through long splines and spur gears, carries a milling cutter and may be adjusted vertically by hand. This with a 4-spindle machine may be fitted with two roughng cutters and two finishng cutters to complete the operation in one cycle. Power for driving the machine is furnished by either a pulley or an individual elec- tric motor at the top of the -machine. The table has a flat bearing on the ded, a split tapered bushing providing for taking up wear in the bearing on which the table revolves about the column. <A large internal gear drives the table, all bearngs bronze bushed and all gears runnng in an oil bath. Four f continuous: feed are Paves VOL obtained sliding steel gears, through caesarean RECENTLY DESIGNED PORTABLE SLOTTING MACHINE OF IMPROVED TYPE 573 Bag Hage