October, 1920 THE MARINE REVIEW 25 Li IDCER Ww Dp ~ D Fi " ng un Tl I nn 1 gl yg | Mal dl A NI D A RI D w i N CH HE i ES Rise i GEARED COMPOUND GEARED CATALOG No. 1917 CATALOG No. 1917-C | LIDGERWOOD CCMPOUND GEARED CARGO WINCH No. 1917-C Drum holds 800 feet of 24"rope and delivers a line pull of 10,000 Ibs. with drum full of rope. Built for handling a 30 Ton Boom with eight part purchase. Light Loads at High Speed, Heavy Loads at Slow Speed. Simple in control. All gears steel. One lever hoists, holds and lowers. All parts interchangeable. Lidgerwood Compound Geared Cargo Winch No. 1917-C is exactly inter- changeable on the same bedplate and pipe flanges with Lidgerwood Standard No. 1917 Winch over 6000 of which have been constructed and sold. Ship and Dock Winches—Towing Engines—Steering Engines Send for catalog MARINE MACHINERY BRANCHES: Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Seattle, Los Angeles, London, England /IDCERWOONn L! too Use ’ ower i ! if il Mn : nt Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers iE TT AA vo in th K thi iN | bvanddhavlbRBtuidduad