PI Ee Oe A ae ee “February, 1921 DB. 2D SEIDLER-MINER CO., Inc. “DBS THE MARINE REVIEW THE , LINE CONVERTIBLE Marine Electric Fixtures and Watertight Boxes t i Standard Types—New Features Simplifies and expedites the installation and greatly reduces the cost of labor. Makes up a substantial high-class job of a strictly standard character. Besides saving real money in the original installation S-M Fittings benefit the Ship Owners because addition or changes may. be made without disturbing the original work. Contrary to usual practice of manufacturers that renewals must be of their particular make the S-M line allows the use of most any standard type of wiring devices readily procured in the open market. (PATENTED AND PATENTS PENDING) S. M. UNIVERSAL CONDUIT BOX The only ‘“‘knockout’’ box in the market that leaves a threaded outlet ready for pipe by simply knocking out a plug. A Universal Conduit Box that combines both an Outlet Box and Fixture Body. Reduces stock assortment, usually provided, about 60% and insures against excess accumulation. All customary combinations may be made by your electrician or stockkeeper with the few interchangeable parts. May be used for Junction, Switch, Plug, Receptacle, Angle or Pendant Fixtures. The illustrations show interchangeable parts and some of the combinations. 20 units make up over |,000 possible combinations. Send for Catalog 15-M. E. ESTABLISHED 1891 DETROIT, U. S. A. J.D. SARLES, Marine Dept. PYLE-NATIONAL Co., Agents 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK DB 3 P N Please mention THE MarINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers De Bo Recs 101