Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), February 1921, p. 96

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96 THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1921 i NUMBER AND NET TONNAGE OF SHIPS IN FOREIGN AND C DECEMBER 31, 1919 AMERICAN VESSELS OASTWISE TRADE OF NEW ORLEANS FOR YEAR ENDING FOREIGN VESSELS ENTERED AGGREGATE WITH CARGO IN BALLAST TOTAL WITH CARGO INBALLAST TOTAL AND CLEARED Vessels Tons Vessels Tons Vessels Tons Vessels Tons Vessels Tons Vessels Tons Vessels Tons In fomiga Trade... 1,008 3,121,464 735 1 AGSAG1 «7A «152,506 806. -1,027,637 556 810,429 246 703,498 802 1,513,827 PoC ie de = 57 «1407 1K2 1S AHR S14 031 624716 < 442 1,193,290 «© 38) GE 72. 183,478 110 293,912 Oe eee 2,130 4,558,606 916 1,963,645 302 787,222 1,218 2,750,867 594 920,763 318 886,976 912 1,807,739 In Pace. ude... 1,706 3,469,854 636 1,297,905 196 436,051 832 1,743,956. 787. 1;615,709 _ 87 ' 120,189 . 874 1,735,898 In Coastwise Trade... 426 1,085,706 250 760,598 135 234,660 385 * 995,258 26 60459 15) gage at 90,448 2,132 4,555,560 886 2,058,503 331 670,711 1,217 2,729,214 813 1,676,168 112 150,178 915 1,826,346 New Orle ans Traffic The board of commissioners of the | port of New Orleans has just issued a comprehensive booklet covering the port and terminal facilities of the Louisiana city, in which is included the accompany- ing table of the number of ships in foreign and coastwise trade in and out of that port during the calendar ‘ year ending December 31, 1919, the latest figures available. Ship Launchings and Deliveries That the shipping board’s building program is drawing to completion is evidenced in the steady decline in the aggregate of ship launchings and de- liveries. Those for December show a considerable falling-off from the previous month. Much work is. being finished and delivered, while the new tonnage to leave the ways is notice- ably smaller. DELIVERIES CrparHurst—Delivered Dec. 2; for United States shipping board; freighter; by American International Shipbuilding Corp., Hog Island yard. CaNAaDIAN HIGHLANDER—Delivered Dec. 2383 freighter; for Canadian government; by Wallace Shipbuilding Co., Vancouver, B. C. CANADIAN WINNER—Delivered Novy. 29; freighter ; for Canadian government; by Harbour Marine Co., Ltd., Victoria, B. C. LAUNCHINGS OmaHa—Launched Dec. 14; scout cruiser; 54 x 550 feet; 75,000 horsepower; 85 knots; for United States navy; by Todd Ship Yards Corp., Seattle. ae Samuget L. Furuer—Launched Dec. 21; tanker; 10,600 tons; for Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corp. ;° by Sun Shipbuilding Corp., Chester, Pa. District oF CoLuMBIA—Launched Dec. 18; tanker; 10,300 tons; 33 x 59 x 430 feet; for United States shipping board; by the Baltimore Dry Docks & Shipbuilding Corp., south plant. Grora— Prerce—Launched Dec. 9; tanker; 9000 tons; for United States shipping board; by Merchant Shipbuilding Corp., Chester yard. SwirtsurE—Launched Dec. 15; tanker; 12,000 tons; for Swiftsure Oil Co.; by Northwest Bridge & Iron Co., Portland, Oreg. W. 4H. Lrspy—Launched Dec. 14; _ tanker; 12,000 tons; for Standard Oil Co. of New York; by G. M. Standifer Construction Co., Seattle. CANADIAN ExpLoRER— Launched Dec. 183 freighter; for Canadian government, at Halifax. San Troporo—Launched Dec. 18; tanker; 8400 tons; 31 x 53 x 427 feet; for Eagle Oil Trans- port Co., London; built by Standard Shipbuilding Corp., Shooter’s island yard. KEennecott—Launched Dec. 30; tanker ; for Alaska Steamship OCo., Seattle; by Todd Dry Dock & Construction Corp., Tacoma, Wash. SrintRAM—Launched Dec. 11; schooner; 3600 tons; by Freeport Shipbuilding Co., Freeport, Me. ; Seattle Traffic The record of traffic at the port of Seattle and in the Washington customs district, including months for which figures are now available, follow: SEATTLE PORT TRAFFIC 1920 Deep Sea Arrivals Deep Sea Departures No. No. y Ships Net tonnage Month Ships Net tonnage Panama Canal Traffic aay 284.587 January, 237,320,212 2 02,15 Febru: 6,46 Traffic through the Panama canal in ett vee ee nies aig i n in tables following: 328 331,921 April 348 334,540 October is show S 376 828,594 May 392-324-932 FOR OCTOBER 3: 32,666 June 433 846,849 : 0 oe a fie 461 444,607 b f commercial vessels through 5 SLL, wezust 893 868.327 Le eee he 422 380,582 September 323 345.535 a CRNA eters Sai eee ark Pee eee 859 847,412 October 314 366,669 Registered net tonnage of above, Panama . 956 348,452 November 923 337,890 Canal measurement ...i..c.c0ee 00s 935,579 tons WASHINGTON CUSTOMS DISTRICT Number of commercial vessels without —Entrances— —Clearances— (ihn) Bena SN pre rerpere per cme ICON 33 No. Tonnage No. Tonnage Registered net tonnage of above, Panama Jan.—Aterican .. 61 87,385 196 128,962 canal measurement. ......ccceewevees 118,869 Foreign . 185 , 155,268 187 151,865 ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC 346 242,653 3883 280,827 : Feb.—American .... 147 88,528 173 98,347 Commodity No. of Cargoes Tons Foreign "483 188°174 a a Tee sae Conte ee hoes 10 57,957 Sear Fe oe eee pee? Rael Oise cs 8 64,661 ee es aa eR ee Refined. ols set ses 5 39,757 -—American .... 138d ; 7 07,134 Moreion: 2. 3154 Steel and: Sos ¢ 0% sk 5 28,942 is a inh pleeeien SULDHWI atee us eae ete ea 4,000 346 302,678 829 282,694 Silvensange =e. oe cca Raia 3,000 Apr.—American .... 177 127,786 174 91,676 General and mixed......... 15 290,396 Foreign . 183 188,174 176 168,526 856 280,959 342 243,328 MObAIS: < Gos vieee sists ees os 105 488,713 May—Ameriean sees 228 107,183 272 107,444 oreign -. 188 184,45 PACIFIC TO ATLANTIC es ee bes ae Nitrate 9-05 av ehecsvetns 26 143,837 i a se) 466 289,354 Wheat. 2 ee 8 61,925 eee eons 5.420 = 238 93,617 : Forei sioatans iamber vo ae: a: 25,153 wee UL We Ma Cold storage-food products... 4 18,035 454 297,591 432 268,389 POU ae cee eae wes 3 23,588 July—American .... 272 105,814 804 122,723 Bee rc ee 3 14,958 Foreign ..... 220 170,907 219 193,378 Sugar eine eles scare ele ws 6 eis si 00 2 9,378 492 276,721 523 .316,101 Pineapples nea wevna eee sis ee 12,371 Aug.—-American .. 292 117,200 292 125,510 Lubricating — oll............ 1 11,000 ' Foreign - 203 171,451 199 185,025 CO] st WCOses(: Beesee( 0) 3) REA eee 1 7,332 ee. = — Dieh os 1 6,000 495 288.651 491 310,535 CMG oF 166 pee ae TOLER asd 218188 vectebe Tia alec vireo (Ht) y 114 i BREN arti tet 9 5 Gel Oe 1 2,640 ye a ae ee Cotee ae: cee hia vans ee 51 : 438 200,186 455 801,196 General and mixed......... 39 161,585 Oct.—American . 230 89,031 217 105,152 Foreign . 182 167,350 187, 198,588 MOUs eC cc kes ware cites « 100 502,363 412 256,381 404 303,740 FOREIGN IMPORTS, EXPORTS AND TONNAGE Passing Through Washington Customs District Entered, a 1920 Imports Lxports Total Tons en tes VANURIY a Re --++» $29,954,055 $15,883,758 $45,847,813 242,653 280,82 523,480 LMG) a aa SP ea seeee 40,708,726 15,989,197 56,697 ,923 276,702 see ars 543.575 Marche oe Sctiiss aie ci sees. 46,392,720 32,780,040 79,172,760 302,678 282,694 585,372 ADO eke: wtteees eee $2,718,296 25,158,134 57.869.360 280.959 243.328 524 287 Liam SRA IEEE ares Sepa a .». 38,291,480 2,299,371 50,598,851 291,641 289,354 580,995 ne Ae ae Se weeee 28,549,857 18.392,975 46.942,.882 297,591 268.389 465,980 — Pees ees deeeee 20,886,360 16,057,896 86.944 .256 276,721 316.191 592.922 ey ABA Ee Wevsccssdes: 20,904,981 11,355,385 37,210,866 288,651 810,535 599,186 ries _ Ween een eae as . 20,486,721 9,256,973 29,748,694 290,186 301,196 591,382 REODOR Sooke ec seiner 11,918,469 12,278,970 24,192,439 256,381 303,740 560,121

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