February, 1921 THE MARINE REVIEW 61 SAUOADAD AEP AIAADIDOLUDPLDITLEBELDOPOLED wacorcarerite tect Wiper tlle” “fest eoneenieeit vate ttt ity MD ty) tll = gl MM Yi: emis jilllbilly Yirunnlllllll —Bdgfass Vitti iteprneaer, Ul LUIS DDO a LEU OEE POU OO DED OPVADEN ITED OOOPAEOLALEELAL AED EOOUEEE LEELA ADEE AUTE HEED MAINT yyyyyyyyyyys LAND = ee ey mony YUU tannery Week tidddinn YyYyyyyy Wee We, Wl, png uncer lll LL LLL Rhienys secraainnr lll terrae ddd a_i i ee I wr MALOCOLOODODODESELEDOLLLPLEDEDEODSDEOLILDLEDLOLDSILEDGES UOADOLELIOLOLEDODPLEDDABDALELIILLEDEDTLEDITAEDALIDE, ALOODODULOPUALDAEDIELLIAISESILUSSUELSALLDELDL EDULIS SELERLLEPODEEDOSDOSS CONDULETS APL PLEDPDEDPSEDED SOOT ALLELE LED IE OD iia Wa Whittle OULD YO yyy Weittlitt itll MM Y LLL Mtl ll Ze CZ Visteon Ws VMI Vit tenn VOC dlbaididirnanate, MM) YM ie sib Vbtldl bbe cuss Ml Wa iv, Meller AGALOLTITEILERESLEDLELDOCOOLOOULDVOOLDC VOLS VOADILDDTELDIDOLPLLELE/DGPLEDISSISESLLLETLOLELOLLILLILLLVLUULLUADHUL LEAD DOLEDINLEDES AEE ALUN OALEIEALTED ii yg blll uu Jl Yui Wee SST: yy Sth Yi YiliiOniirrryyyyy “Yn yy Yilliiioaryyy Mh tae arate Ud ddd eae sags sll a Wilde ata Wdddiitil an, CLCOUPOLILLLEL TL LELLULLLABEELLLTUS ODOT LEDLULLADEUDEE ETAL EDIE EOLL LUE UULUEELLEL ULES LAA ED ES LULERPLILLILILOLIBLLASULAIL ETAT ECDEY MAUL IELIAILELLLALELL LUI OPDULELEAEDEL PNX CONDULETS have hubs with integral bushings and tapered threads, which insure an absolute water-tight joint. Watertight Junction Condulets PNX Condulets are suitable wherever water-tight conduit junctions are required. They have a cast-iron gasketted cover held by screws which enter blind holes in the body. These Condulets can be drilled and tapped to take a variety of terminal blocks, such as used.in marine construction. Full details of the complete line of Condulets will be found in catalog. Send for copy. CROUSE-HINDS COMPANY SYRACUSE, N, Y. NEW YORK Condulets Panelboards Knife Switches Floodlights Guy Anchors BOSTON CHICAGO SLOLATTAMLIALADLLDPELILDOLLLLDPLLLLILICELLLLLELLIIVOPSDOLDIDILLLLADIDADDOOUDOOIPOOOOOS IILOPOODEITPLELIIDELODEDTDOCIOPIESPDLEBELLLLDOLDLESDILDESPIIDEBILDDOADOOEVDTOADE EDI OC % rOncereneTe Ta ee uaa ae “lite, lg,” lly ae lll lll cents WMéMéMlu~,,, Vee tail WLLL eae ee y ae ddd ee // Wd WM a VU ig nee Ul dann dsl yy mye ee a mm Lratthtit OCOLOLEOL RELI OCOD OELOL ELBE retnibeees LPL ELOOOLEDELEEEA, erenecore ne. eennaacoweres POLCULLCORIEOLALEOALELED eonceninestvessen “iil ———— a ta ai Mitt a —o lll in, ill, Yiise) y= sar lil ill ye Please mention THE MARINE — when writing to Advertisers