October, 1921 MARINE REVIEW 49 BITUMINOUS ANTHRACITE From Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky For Domestic, Steam, By-Product and Smithing Purposes Connellsville and By-Product Coke AMBRI COAL—LOW PRICED Briquetts made from the best, free burning, high carbon, low ash anthracite Shipments by Rail, Lake and Ocean M.A-HANNA&Co. SALES AGENTS SALES OFFICES H. E. BOOTH, Manager Bituminous Sales Leader-News Building * Cleveland, Ohio H. W. PERRIN, Manager Anthracite Sales 907 Commercial Trust Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. JOSEPH MITCHELTREE W. T. McELROY Leader-News Building, Cleveland, Ohio 710 Unien Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio F. P. COLLINS O. P. WALDRON 410 Fisher 5 aa Chicago, IIl. 1436 Pe ateraal Trust Bldg., W. H. LEWIS. Philadelphia, Pa 233 Broadway, Woolworth Building, E. C. O BRIEN New York, N. Y. Millard Street, Toledo, Ohio G. D. BUCK WELL J. PRENDERGAST 1319 Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Leader-News Building, Cleveland, Ohio T. S. JANNEY W. H. CURTIS Chamber of Commerce, Baltimore, Md. Hart Building, Williamsport, Pa. The Lynd-Farquhar Wall Radial Drill is designed to give maximum production at a minimum operating cost. Centralized os Be we > im | control within easy reach of the operator a ea —" Cone PULLEY r evenaas Browze Buses ee te Pubes’ BRACKE Cenren-fUGNT OR LEFT : : saves his time; arm constructed of extra Ve ee im | heavy channels, gears accurately cut from U Haser bance pga j } the solid, spindle of high carbon steel and - | all bearings bronze bushed and renewable give long life and highest production. One customer says: ‘‘These machines were — a put in operation immediately upon arrival, i : Aosusraa.e Take Up Gi a Sis dan Loos : Srees Fico Gears Evc.oseo ih have been producing ten hours per day - Lone Lever ma Heavy Frame i s For Hawa Da/e 16 > TE every day since and we have never ex- AND COUNTERSINHING 2 z i i <5 Sreez Sueeve, Peete. Me An erence Counres Werenn perienced a bit of trouble with same. Quien Rerurw ror Power Feco__» ZENE | They'll give the same results in your Batt Torusr Beanine os rroh HACK : Wo 4 Morse Tarer : plant. Get the whole story from the bulletin. LYND-FARQUHAR COMPANY Dept. ‘‘M”’ - Machine Tools of Quality BOSTON 9, MASS. 2 Heavy Wass. Bracket S : j LL Larce Semote Accurarety Grounan ~ Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers