Especially the White Star Valve TRIPLE ACTING NON-RETURN: _ REGULATING BOILER CHECK | VALVE It is not necessary to close down the plant when a boiler tbe | blows out, if your power plant is equipped gwith thegn Ww POWELL TRIPLE-ACTING BOILER CHECR* ‘VAL | = Steam governing cylinder—Absolutely non-chattering. i. Cast Iron Body and Yoke for Standard mtbam oresbies ‘up oe to 250 pounds. Ww oO eh“ Cast Steel for Superheated Steam. 4, Have your specifications call for POWELL VALVES AND SPECIALTIES Write for Descriptive Cifealar Pe ee ee eee a Ship Builders and Ship Repairers” plant located at Newport powers r Virginia on Hampton Roads. {* Three large Graving Dry Docks. » Steel, Brass and Iron Foundries, 99 ® | |< } Heavy and Light Forgings. | il : | | Complete Facilities at one plant for = = dcing any ship. repair job quickly.