12 MARINE R@VIEW January, 1922 es S6800OqooWns** Many ship owners permit the use of antiquated equipment and obsolete firing methods on their boats—Improved equipment and scientific methods would save: them thousands of dollars. Investigate THOMAS’ methods and = UT ITS bmi Wiggling--Shaking--Dumping GRATE BARS Bottom and End View of Bar Showing Structure The Elliptic shape and Eccentric movement of the bar is’ different from all other bars. Keeps your fires at a high state of efficiency.. Eliminates the formation of so much clinker, giving clean fires, which make them save their entire cost on an average of 60 days, and when they finish paying for themselves, keep saving, paying for the privilege of working for you. When you fail to use them, you pay the coal man for them in excess fuel bills. For Use With Either Natural, Induced or Forced Draft For Detailed Information Write THOMAS GRATE BAR CO., Birmingham, Ala. Sales Offices: Hippodrome Building, Cleveland, Ohio Railway Exchange Building, Chicago, Ill. | 2 Rector St., New York 315 Board of Trade Bldg., New Orleans, La. Please mention: Marine Review when writing’ to Advertisers